Thursday, March 18, 2010

6 Theme ideas that will work for your Wine Tasting Party

If you plan to host a wine tasting party, but you have no idea where to start, so you must remember that there are very many ways on how you can start the party. There are 6 wine tasting party themes that you can try that are guaranteed to give success to a wine tasting party. 

Wine tasting parties are a fun and it is relatively easy for people to plan and host. If you are starting to plan the host by a wine tasting party, so you have to remember that you first must choose a theme for your party. 

Then six thematic ideas here is that you can use for your wine tasting party. 

The first is called horizontal tasting. In this kind of theme, you will only focus on one grape variety from a single year. Although each wine that you get coming from different manufacturers and several wineries. For example you can focus on a 2000 Chining Blanc from five or seven different winemakers and vineyards. 

In here, you consider whether you want to taste wines from the same area, or you want to mix it up by tasting the same type of wine that comes from various vineyards, as from California, Australia or Italy

The second is called Vertical Tasting. Here, wine tasting conducted by tasting just one variety of wine. For example, you only concentrate on the taste of Chining Blanc from the same manufacturer. However, the wines will be in different cohorts or year. For example, you can taste the Chining Blanc from a winery from the years 2000, 2002 and 2004. 

It will show the tasters, as your guests how subtle or dramatic a wine changes from year to year. 

Priceless wine tasting is another major theme for your wine tasting party. You must remember that people usually assume that wines are more expensive tastes better than cheaper. You can go on to test their palate by withholding the price of the many different wines as you have arranged for tasting. By just tasting, your guests decide which wines are worth $ 120, and which one is worth $ 10. 

Price Point Wine Tasting is another great wine tasting party theme, you might want to try. Here are wines featured will be a similar price. The goal here is to keep the wines compared in a baseline price, which is quite flexible for you to organize when it comes to buying wine. 

Another theme is called Big Eight Wine Tasting. Here you will get your guests work their way through eight different kinds of wine and decide which one they prefer. This will also give your guests, especially those who are not very "in" for wines, a new understanding of the different types of wine. 

The big eight wines is Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz and Pinot Noir for red wines, and Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio for white wine. 

Finally, blind wine tasting theme can also work for your party. Just take some of the themes mentioned before, remove labels from bottles, or put bottles of wine bags, and you have a blind wine tasting party, there will certainly be a lot of fun for your guests. The fact that your guests will not have any thoughts on what the wine tastes, it will certainly be interesting to know what kind of wine they prefer, without looking at the label or the price of wine. 

These are the six wine tasting themes that will surely make your wine tasting part a success.

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