Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Art Of Wine Tasting

Go to a wine tasting party can be a fun and entertaining experience for all. But most people do not participate because they are afraid of not knowing how to act in such parties, and fear that they will offend someone or be embarrassed about not knowing how to taste wine. 

Basically, the basics of wine tasting is actually quite simple. You need not have a formal education, and everyone can do it. By the time you've finished reading this article, you'll be well on its way to becoming a wine taster and you will be ready enough to participate in wine tasting parties, or even go on a wine tasting holiday in some of the most prominent vineyards and wineries in the world. 

As far as etiquette is concerned, the ladies are usually served before the gentlemen. In most wine tasting parties, you can expect to be served with room temperature bottled water. The water is to rinse your mouth between tastings so that your palate to be clean on the next wine. Cold water is not served with cold water will upset your tastebuds that can generally affect the taste of wine. 

Also some wine tasting parties serve unsalted and unflavored bread or biscuits. It also helps in cleansing the palate, which also will get your palate ready for the next wine tasting. 

When tasting wine, it is important that you must always keep the wine glass by the stem and not cup the bowl in your palm. The purpose of this is that this helps in preventing you from heating the wine with the warmth from your hands. You must remember that this will also affect the overall flavor of wine. 

You should not have difficulty flavor or colognes and even after shaving, it is very important when you are wine tasting parties. The scent of perfume will overwhelm the bouquet or smell of wine and thus affects the taste of wine. You would not be the only one affected by this, but other tasters. So, be polite and do not wear heavily scented perfumes or other scents. 

It is also important that you should not smoke, chew gum, and mints before and the wine tasting event. This may have an effect on your taste buds and you will not be able to fully enjoy the real taste of wine. 

Tasting of wine, not only involves putting wine in your mouth and roll it around your tongue a few times before spitting or swallowing. You must remember that wine tasting are all about wine. These are the color of the wine, smell or bouquet, and of course taste. 

The first step in tasting wine is by taking a look at its color. The bottles are served should always be clean and ready for you to take a good look at the wine. The tables have been covered with white linen cloth, so that you can see the wine's color more clearly. You must remember that white wines are not always white. It may have a yellow, green and even brown color. For red wines, you will notice that it also has various shades of red. The lighter color on the red wine, the older it is. 

The color of the wine will also include information on age or taste. Try doing a rim test to look at the color of the wine. Just tilt the glass and look at the wine. Where is the purple in color, it indicates that the wine is young. If it's brown, it means that it is an older wine. 

The next step is to smell the wine. Swirl the wine around the glass to expose the wine to air, position the glass close to your nose and inhale deeply. Swirling also releases the taste of wine. You must remember that the wine may have been in bottle for six months for many, many years. By swirling the wine, will you release the flavors. It's like cooking at home, where you touch the food, so that you can mix flavors. 

Finally, you now have to taste the wine properly. Do not gulp down wine. Just take small sips and roll the wine around your tongue. You must remember that there are three stages to take the real taste of wine, it is the first impression that the taste and aftertaste. 

It is a step in tasting wine. So next time you're invited to attend a wine tasting party, will you be able to to feel more confident when you will know what to do.

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