Thursday, March 18, 2010

Foreign education Bill hits roadblock

Barely two days after the Union Cabinet cleared the long-pending draft law that allows foreign education providers to set up campuses in India and offer degrees independently, principal opposition parties have objected to the bill, slamming it as “commercially driven” and one that would breed inequity.

Given the Left’s blanket opposition to the entry of foreign education providers in India and BJP’s strong apprehensions over the issue, the controversial Foreign Educational Institutions (Entry and Operation) Regulation Bill 2010 appears headed for the same road as the N-Liability Bill, which had to be withdrawn under pressure from the Opposition.

The Left parties today said they would oppose the bill’s introduction in Lok Sabha once the Parliament reconvenes on April 12 after a recess.

“We are against this law,” CPM general secretary Prakash Karat told The Tribune, warning of the troubles awaiting the UPA government, which had to also shelve the Judges Standards and Accountability Bill for want of political consensus.

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