Friday, March 05, 2010

Getting a dog is just the first step - then come Training

All children love pets and they would love to have a dog, if their parents let them. Most parents imagine disturbances owning a dog would make their lives and try to resist. Ultimately, the kids can win the argument, but it takes awhile for them to convince their parents. 

Having decided to get a new dog, you need to think about the type or breed dog you want to get. You can find your local dog rescue center has a variety of dogs, they want to get home. 

Finally, you can get your new dog home, and the first thing it can do is make a mess on your carpet. Now you are aware of the task you have taken on, and you must get your dog house trained. Most dogs avoid mess near their beds because they are clean animals, they show the correct area for their potty for them. 

Your new dog do not yet know what is right or wrong, and it is probably nervous too. Make your puppy feel safe and at home, but look for signs that it needs the potty area. If it makes commercial congratulate it and tell what a good dog it is. 

Your dog needs a lot of memories and practices, but they're usually pretty quick to learn things. Be very patient and not be annoyed by accident, they will happen and has not done intentionally. 

Make sure that your puppy can easily get to the potty is that you have chosen, so he can go if he wants. If he manages to show how well he has done by giving a lot of love and tell him that he is a good dog. They learn the right thing to do, like getting praise, so there are fewer accidents after some time. 

There are many more lessons to come later, but first you need a house trained dog. Your children will have a good time to teach your new puppy how to sit. When your children want to practice teaching your dog will still play for hours. 

There are advanced commands to teach when your dog sit and stay on command. Walking to heel on a leash is an important lesson to teach your dog. 

Your dog may not run out to see new things, so it's important you learn to live with you. Your dog want to drive out and look at new things, but it must understand that it must wait for your teaching. 

Strangers on the street, do not like your dog jumps up on them, so make sure it behaves well. Do not let your dog lick people's faces, because some people think it is a very unpleasant experience. 

Owning a dog brings the responsibility to keep it under control and bring a lot of fun and happiness to your family. Your dog should obey your commands, so you can prevent it is a nuisance to other people. A trained dog will behave well around other people and animals, and it will be a credit to you and your family.

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