Friday, March 12, 2010

Green Tea Health Benefits

If everyone knew all the health benefits of green tea, would sales of green tea spike immediately. The health benefits of green tea is important and essential, so people should consider making a cup of green tea every day a habit. According to legend, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor about 5,000 years ago. This Chinese emperor was boiling water to believe that it can become more potable and safer to drink. When suddenly a large gust of wind took over and blew the leaves in water that is boiling. By a combination of water and leaves, a brown mixture was fashioned. Reluctantly, the emperor discovered the mixture to make a very fragrant aroma. The moment he tasted it, he described that it is comfortable. From the moment that green tea was born. No matter how accurate this legend is what is important is that green tea has become one of the most popular beverage in China

Recently the health benefits of green tea has been determined by studies done by medical professionals and companies that produce green-tea products. These studies indicate that the health benefits of green tea may add to the longevity of those who drink this product

There is some evidence discovered in research studies showing that one of the health benefits of green tea have a reduced incidence of oesophageal cancer in green tea drinkers. Reduction in risk of developing this type of cancer is essential for those who drink green tea. There are other signs that the health benefits of green tea have a reduced risk of developing other cancers for those who drink green tea on a regular basis. 

So, to counteract the effects of oxidants and free radicals, we need to introduce antioxidants in our body. And, green tea has a lot of them. Although some foods have antioxidants, you will see that green tea has a lot more. In fact, the antioxidants found in green tea is much higher than that found in grape juice and red wine. This explains why there is a lot of scientists who study the health benefits of green tea. 

There is evidence that regular consumption of green tea can relieve pain and suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Many people suffer from high cholesterol, and some suggest that regular use of green tea can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Some people claim that green tea consumption could help people ward off infections, while others believe that green tea has beneficial effects on protecting people from heart disease. These claims are based on the presence of certain substances in green tea, including catechin polyphenols.

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