Thursday, March 18, 2010

Guide to host a wine tasting party

For centuries, wine has been part of human history. Romans drank wine and even Jesus drank wine. Today, wine is not just a part of a big dinner, but it is also known to have medicinal properties that can provide a myriad of health benefits. It can lower your risk of getting heart disease, and wine are also found to reduce the risk of certain cancers and cataracts. 

For most people, is to drink a glass of wine, a great way to end the day before bedtime. It is also a good drink to socialize. Indeed, wine tasting parties very popular. 

If you plan to host a wine tasting party, you will see that it will be a lot of fun. It would also be able to get you and your friends learn more about wine and even improve your palate for wine. This is also a great opportunity for you to discover new wines. 

So here are some tips on how to host a wine tasting party for you to ensure its success and let you and your guests have a lot of fun. 

The first step is obviously to invite your guests. Eight to twelve people actually enough to a wine tasting party. These numbers are large enough to promote spontaneous interaction and it is also small enough to easily manage. 

You can invite your guests via telephone or via email. You will be pleased to know that there are a lot of e-card sites that will be able to give you great invitations via e-mail. 

The second step is to choose the wine. For most people, this is the best steps to organize a wine tasting party. Here you will choose what kind of wine you will offer your guests to taste. As at the time you're in the shop, you get mesmerized and overwhelmed by the volume of wine you need to choose from. There are simply a lot of wines to choose from. 

To make it easier for you to choose between the various wines available, you may consider organizing a theme wine tasting party. You can choose a selection of wines in terms of price, you can choose from a vineyard, but with different vintages, and you can even choose different types of wines, the big eight wines. There are plenty of opportunities, so do not be afraid to be creative. 

Food is another thing that you should be aware. You must remember that a party is never really a party without food. Before you serve dinner to your guests, you might want to wait until the tasting is over. You must remember that food affects the way wine tastes. If you must, you can offer your customers cheese or unsalted crackers and room temperature water in the process of tasting wine. 

Always remember that in wine tasting parties, you should limit tends to two ounces, which is about two inches in a normal size wine glasses.

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