Monday, March 22, 2010

Increase Traffic Breakthrough Tips

So what is viral marketing? It's really just a way to get your message out to as many people as possible through word of mouth. In other words, the idea is to spread your message much like a computer virus is spreading. 

"Infection" in this case itself is a good thing, and in this context, it is people become aware of you and your site. 

Now the actual message can be in many formats, from an e-mail, video, audio file, and much more. The idea is to get people who already have your message to spread it to people they know that times your message spreads exponentially. 

Firstly, we must make it crystal clear that we do not talking about spam millions of people. Apart from legalities to do so, sending spam is just crazy because you do not want, and are certainly not going to spread it, and after all, if it makes it past the spam folders and actually makes it into the reader's inbox is there just to get deleted when it is read, it is not (that's if it even being read). 

Here we go with what seems the current statement of all my articles, "Relevant good content." Yes, nothing has changed, you have to give value to people who have received your message so that a) they may want to interfere with it, and b) send it on to other people. 

So how do you get people to do this? How do we get people to actually forward the message to another? 

Firstly, it must be something use funk and relevant. In other words, it must have value, either real or perceived. The person who receives your message is to believe it will provide value to a second (and / or them!) Before they will pass it on. 

One thing we have found in this industry is the power of partnerships, it is much easier to get your message out there, if you have friends in the industry with large mailing lists of their own. 

Lets pretend you have released a new e-book. You currently have a mailing list of 1000 people who have expressed interest or actually bought something from you in the past. 

Your e-book is, of course, in a related niche, so you feel confident that you can create some interest in your mailing list so that is the first place to attack. 

Now you have an affiliate program in place, do not you? Read up on the details of why you need an affiliate program of affiliate article since this is a crucial step, because decent affiliates will market your product to their mailing lists and contacts, and it is the power of viral marketing! 

When you start to see more on the increase website traffic, it pays to do a little research first as another way to move quickly! 

Let's say you have 100 affiliates and each has 1,000 customers in their mailing lists. Suddenly, you have leveraged your affiliate and your message is sent to 100,000 people in addition to your 1000 people on your mailing list. 

Take it to the next level, imagine if your affiliates are subsidiaries of its own, see how the numbers can grow exponentially? 

Now this example is about affiliates, but there is no reason with the right message that you can not get your customers do the work for the affiliates by sending your message on to their friends. 

In these cases the primary motive is not to make money, but it may be because they think your product is great and a friend would benefit from it, or they just think it's cool and want to tell the world. 

Ash the power of word of mouth advertising, we tell you, there is no more powerful force in advertising, then having your customers tell their friends how cool, hip and fantastic you and your products are (we are sure you have told all your friends about me, have not you?). 

If you can get customers to tell your friends about your product, and then when they sign up they tell their friends, and you can see that it will take no time to have a huge response to your message! 

You'll have to buy new servers to your site, because the old one is fused with overwhelming traffic that you have received (did you like how we got a referral to my site in between the valuable content?). 

Ok Tim, we hear you say, we get the message that this Viral things can be handy, but how can we actually use it here on my website. 

Well, first, a fantastic technique that we used, is included in the master Mike Filsaimes Butterfly Marketing this product Viral Software included for people who can easily pass on information about your site to other people. They actually get automatically a box to enter your friends email addresses, etc. 

Pretty good, no other method will give you more traffic than Viral traffic, because let's face it, Viral traffic is effective word of mouth advertising (if you set it up properly). Some of the coolest sites on the Internet exist and grow in member sizes every day because of these techniques.

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