Saturday, March 20, 2010

No extradition, but India can directly question Headley

In a plea bargain, Headley has been assured of no extradition to India in return. Also there will be no death penalty for Headley. (Read & Watch: No death sentence, extradition for Headley)

But Indian authorities can access him in the United States and can directly question him.

The deal agreed on between Headley and US prosecutors requires that he may have to testify in a foreign court while in US custody. (Read: Headley guilty - Why the plea deal?)

The agreement says that when directed by the United States Attorney's Office, he will fully and truthfully testify in any foreign judicial proceedings held in the United States by way of deposition, video-conferencing or letters rogatory. Which means questioning under the eye of American authorities and in United States. (Watch: India can quiz Headley just as US did, says his lawyer)

So Headley could have to testify in the 26/11 trial currently underway in Mumbai. 

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