Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Showing the facts in Danish Waters

We have seen that drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is essential for optimal health. We have also seen that many people like to drink water that has some type of flavor. Carbonation has opened up a whole new arena by drinking fluids to satisfy almost every taste. The process of dissolving carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid causes a slight burning sensation when we drink sodas. 

Seltzer and sparkling water are two other names of carbon-treated water to give it its sparkling quality. Gas, or sodas, which are released they manifest themselves in bubbles, we can see in soft drinks, or when we take the cork out of a sparkling wine bottle. It makes a sparkling sound that excites the senses champagne and beer drinkers. 

One interesting observation discovered while research articles on carbonated. It is said that all carbonated beverage sare not created equal. More carbon dioxide may have been added in some, depending on the result required. CO2 is toxic in higher concentrations: 1% (10,000 ppm) will make some people feel drowsy. Concentrations ranging from 7% to 10% will provide visual and hearing dysfunction, dizziness, headaches and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour. 

The introduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) for a drink increases its weight. This can be demonstrated by balancing a bottle of Seltzer, then remove the cap carefully so that no liquid comes out. Weigh the bottle again after the release of gas. You will lose a significant part of your weight. To shake the bottle, while closed then open it to release more CO2 will show an even greater reduction in its weight. What do you think this reason that obesity resulting from regular use of these drinks? 

Club soda is a specific type of carbonated water, which may contain other minerals and table salt. These additives are made to mimic the taste of homemade soda. But it is believed that the effervescent maintain large amounts of sodium, but this is not true. It is simply water that only carbon dioxide have been added. Danish Water can be drunk to satisfy your thirst or mixer for alcoholic beverages. 

Danish Water

You can make your own homemade brand of carbonated water with a soda siphon. Fill the bottle with water, shut the lid and set it to a small cylinder of carbon dioxide, also known as a "charger". Be careful to only use Food Grade cylinders which may have other types of lubricants in them. Unscrew the bottle until it is pierced properly, releasing carbon dioxide into it. Then shake the bottle well. Bubbles will be smaller than commercially made brands. When you are satisfied with the quality of your home-made carbonated water, it is time to add fruit varieties from all freight free of increasing the flavor of your drink.

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