Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Things to know before choosing a Website Host

With the advent of technology and Internet use is almost impossible for existing and future companies not to market itself on the World Wide Web. For this you need an informative website and a good web host. Web hosting is the business of providing storage and connectivity services essential to meet all files of a website. 

There are thousands of web hosting providers, it is therefore important to choose the website host provider. Generally, many of us choose the web host according to the disk space as them. But there are many other considerations that must be kept in mind. Website hosting provider is offering all or more of the under-mentioned functions: 

    * Tech Support: it's really important to choose the web host keep in mind about the web hosting offers tech support or not. The best way to know is to try to send query messages to a few hosts, if you get a quick and succinct reply, so you can trust the web host. 
    * Disk Space: Think what amount of disk space you need to host your site. If your webpage has a logo, it must take much of space. 
    * Bandwidth: many of us tend to ignore this factor until it reaches us. If you exceed your bandwidth, you are sure to face strong bills. If your site has many many pictures and downloads the need for greater bandwidth in proportion to the website which is primarily text. 
    * Uptime: There is no doubt that more uptime, the better it is. Prefer a website host that offers more than 99% uptime. 
    * Perl: it is necessary to have Perl to run Perl programs, therefore, advocates for a site host that offers latest version of Perl, because most scripts are written in Perl. 
    * CGI-BIN: It is necessary to choose a Web host that provides access to CGI-Bin, as without it you can not install programs and scripts. 
    * Secure Socket Layer (SSL): in case you want to receive orders by credit card directly so you do job for SSL services from website hosting. For this you need a third party credit card processor or a merchant account. 
    * MySQL: There are not many programs to MySQL for their execution, so ask if your website host offers MySQL or not. 
    * PHP: Also there are several programs that require PHP to support them. Cart, Blogging Scripts and PHP Toplists requite for their use. So make sure your web host offers you the PHP services. 
    * Domain name: It is very important that feature your domain name. Many website hosts offer this service, but be sure to ask about discounts and compare prices before selecting web hosting services.

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