Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why Use healthy cooking oils?

You probably use cooking more than you realize. Whether you are cooking eggs, grilled cheese sandwiches, or just stir frying vegetables, you are probably using at least a teaspoon or two of cooking oil. This adds up pretty quickly, and that's why you want to make sure you use healthy cooking oils. 

Even if you are overweight, and not otherwise concerned about your health by switching to healthy cooking oils you will do yourself a big favor. You can not even taste the difference between the ordinary cooking oils that you are probably used to using and the healthy cooking oils, so what is the big deal? 

Heart healthy cooking, is very important in these days, what with the fat, the deep fried foods are all so easily accessible to us. 

Selection Committee

So you can not know which oils are regarded as healthy cooking oils. It is important to weigh the individual cooking oil and take a look at it from all sides to determine what will be the healthiest. There is canola oil for one, which is low in saturated fat and rich in fats menstruated. 

Rapeseed oil is very low in fat and good for the heart, so it should be one of your main cooking oil. There is also the extra virgin olive oil, which is quite commonly used, and this should be a staple in your kitchen when it comes to cooking. This oil is also rich in fats and menstruated contain photochemical, which can help lower blood cholesterol levels, so it is actually good for you. 

Then there are various other types of cooking oils that you can consider, and Macadamia nut oils, sesame oil and soy oil. Each of these offers its own advantages and they are all about equal in terms of health, so you can leave it up to your own personal taste. 

Remember to switch to healthy cooking is only one thing at almost endless list of things you can do to improve your health. Still things you can do for your health, no matter how seemingly small will make a difference in the end, and you must remember. 

Also remember that whatever changes you make in your diet and how healthy you can eat if you do not exercise regularly, you will not be able to get in the way you want.

1 comment:

Joel Mann said...

Great blog, great points. Add healthy where you can. Although I would like to point out - that for guys at least, they should probably stay away from the Soy Oil - as soy has been proven to lower sperm count in men and heighten the risk for testicular cancer. But other than that - top notch!