Saturday, April 17, 2010

Accept online credit card transactions

Here is some helpful information about using credit cards and shopping online. If you have a business on the Internet, you should be able to accept online credit card transactions. Most people will not use the credit card companies, whose area is not safe, and many small companies find this an issue. When you accept credit cards online, make sure your site is safe and that potential customers feel comfortable when they are considering a purchase through your site. 

There are always commercials and advertisements about debt tax relief being flashed on TV or in the newspaper. You would be wise not to readily commit to anything until you know more about the process. Warnings are now coming from the Federal Trade Commission about signing up with companies that advertise in this way. It's good to be aware that you may have a worse credit record after you've taken advantage of one company. 

If you are shopping online, there is something to remember. When you shop online, some places are safer than others when you use credit cards. Very Sign logo helps and it is a good place to start, but it is not the only thing you should look for. Normal URLs begin with http://, but when you are on a secure site, or book page of a secure Web site address should start with https: / /. 

When you look at sites that accept credit cards, it is always wise to be wary as there are a number that has been created solely to collect card information from users. These are often referred to as phasing sites; you may be surprised at the number of people falling for it. It usually begins with an email telling you that your information is updated and then offer you a link. So when you follow the link, it takes the user to what appears to be an official looking site, but is a complete fake. The criminals behind this scam will have direct access your account, once your information is entered. 

The easiest way around this type of fraud is to enter the website address in manually. By entering the web address in yourself, manually, in a new browser, you will avoid the dangerous link. As a rule of thumb, remember that financial institutions almost never ask for private information via email. First contact is usually by phone if there is a problem. It is easy to check the website for a telephone number if you are not sure. A site that is legitimate and can accept credit cards online will understand your hesitation and will be happy to answer any questions you may have for them.

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