Friday, April 02, 2010

China urges flexibility on Iran, U.S. sees sanctions

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi made the plea for "flexibility" in talks with Iran's top nuclear envoy Saeed Jalili, who flew to Beijing as the United States said China had agreed to join negotiations over proposed new U.N. sanctions pressing Tehran, which the Western powers say has been accumulating the technology to build nuclear weapons.

Iran denies it is seeking nuclear weapons and says its nuclear activities are peaceful.

The burst of diplomacy has underscored the importance of Beijing in efforts to confront Iran, a big source of oil for China, which for months fended off Western calls to consider sanctions.

Together with China's announcement that President Hu Jintao visit will attend a summit in Washington this month, the sanctions shift augured a lowering of tensions between Washington and Beijing after a rash of disputes.

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