Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Improving Your Credit Score - a checklist

If you have bad credit and want to do something about it, it's usually just a simple matter of following a specific step-by-step process to ensure a relatively quick and seamless improvement in your credit score. But it is important to have a plan in place and not just your current credit report and start making phone calls to the company have reported derogatory items. Here is a simple checklist of how to improve credit score: 

1st Request your free copy of your current credit. Federal law mandates that any person is entitled to one free copy of their credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies every year. Make sure to take advantage of this free report every year so you can keep you updated with what's on their credit report. This way you can be proactive and quickly remove any topics accuracies (which are more common than you think). 

2nd Buy a credit repair guide, read it thoroughly to get a "big picture" view of the credit repair process. There are several guides available, especially one called "Credit Secrets Bible" is probably the most popular. It is written by experts on credit repair business. This guide shows you step by step, how to analyze your credit report and improve your credit score quickly. 

3rd Avoid companies that make promises to improve your credit score for a fee. There is nothing that these companies can do that you can not deliver as long as you have the proper knowledge. This knowledge is easily achieved using a guide book as "Credit Secrets Bible" guidebook mentioned above. The vast majority of companies who claim they want to improve your credit score with a certain amount basically preying citizens either do not want to take the time and effort to improve your credit score or think they have a choice because the system is too complicated and they will never be able to understand it. These assumptions are both wrong. 

4th When you're armed with your credit report and a good guidebook on how to analyze and begin to improve your credit score, take action. The first time you go through this process it may be a lot of work if your credit score is low, and you've never been through the process before. Below credit score these days is something around the 600th To do something good to get your credit report in a guide book and then do something with it. So be sure you're ready to put an effort into this because in the long run it will be worth the time you spent and if you do it every year the whole process should take no more than a few hours. 

These four simple steps should keep your credit score stable and allows you to benefit from attractive interest rates, or even get loans others can not because of their bad credit score. So remember, repair your credit score is not difficult process takes just the test of time and effort, but will pay big dividends in your ability to borrow money attractive interest rates.

1 comment:

gabby said...

Thank you for this very informative article of yours. You have explained everything well. I appreciate that you shared this to us.

The first important step in rebuilding bad credit is being aware of the real situation. To do that, you must order a copy of your credit report from each of the Three Credit Report
firms- Experian, Equifax, TransUnion.

Keep in mind that each bureau does its own reporting independently from the other two. Since you will not know which of these bureaus a prospective creditor would inquire your report, you want to make sure that all sources of your reports contain accurate information.

free credit repair