Monday, April 12, 2010

Keep your eyes open for Easy Tax Free Money

Are you looking for a way of doing better than the 4.7 percent return on your investment for years? Here's a tip for an investment you can make any time before May 11, 2009, involving no brokerage fees, no paperwork, almost no risk and it is one hundred percent duty-free: buy A forever, AU stamps at the post office before the price goes up . The first class letter rate will increase 11 May from forty two cents to forty four cents (a 4.76 percent increase), but you can get, A forever, AU stamps at the current rate at your post office and use them A forever, the AU as the first class postage, regardless of how high to go in future. Buy enough a forever, AU stamps now to cover your postage requirements for next year and your investment will return over 4.7%. But don AOT worry if you missed 5 / 11 deadlines. You can buy A forever, AU stamps any time. First class postage will probably go up again soon and you can count your return on capital then. 

Be aware, however, that no investment is entirely risk free. The investment outlined above involves some risk, however small, that you should be aware of. Risks that come to mind readily include losing the stamps until you have a chance to use them (think fire, flood, general lack of organization and distraction) and the omnipresent danger (yeah, right!) The tariffs it may actually go down before you can use your stamps. 

You might think that this whole idea is pretty lame. After all, only one person uses so many stamps in a lifetime? But, no matter how small your investment, a low-risk tax returns of nearly five percent is not a bad deal. The idea here is that small gains really add up over time. 

Look around for other easy ways to make tax-free money. Every time you decide not to spend a dollar as you would have spent on better times, you give yourself similar to that much extra income completely tax free. For example, scrutinize all the costs associated with your bank. 

You can save about fifty percent over retail by buying checks online instead of rearranging them through your bank. Beyond simply saving money, you can also have a good time looking over the huge selection of designs. My wife aos favorite is cat design control but we usually end up giving in to our children and ordering Disney bank check instead. 

While you think of your banking activities, which may be an easy area to find significant savings, and therefore tax-exempt income, into planning, so you never have to use your ATM card to get cash out of your bank, aos ATM network. Fees for using your debit card on a non-network ATM can really add up. Stay organized and always pay your credit card bills for a couple days early. Some banks and credit card companies seem to do all sorts of underhanded things to trigger massive late fees, which vary due date each month to catch you off guard. 

Stay awake and look for small ways to save money. To make unreasonable return on your money by simply not using it in situations where you can trim costs without hurting your lifestyle.

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