Thursday, April 01, 2010

Quinoa is one of the top Superfoods

Quinoa is not a new fad, but has existed for over 3000 years. It is still grown mainly in Bolivia and Ecuador although farmers in the southern U.S. states are now growing quinoa as it becomes more and more popular. We live in the UK and have seen quinoa in a lot of places, including supermarkets in the health food section and dedicated health food stores. 

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What is quinoa?

Although it is definitely a quinoa seeds are usually included with grain for cooking. It's actually a seed from a plant related to Spinach and Chard. The leaves can be eaten, not just seeds. Of course the magazine version is available only when it is grown, because it does not keep or travel well. The original seed type is the main type of quinoa because it holds all the nutritional benefits with it. 

What are Quinoa Like?

The seed resembles dry rice only about one third the size. Standard quinoa seeds are a pale color. You may occasionally get red and black quinoa seeds also. They come in dry packs of 500g or 1 kg ready to cook. You can use them as a substitute for rice or cous cous. Having said that it has its own flavor and characteristics that make it very versatile in the kitchen. 

How do you cook Quinoa?

The most basic method of cooking quinoa is to boil it in water and simmer for 10 -12 minutes. Most people spend twice the amount of water to quinoa quantity. You will find that the water goes into the quinoa, and should the need drainage. Sometimes a little bitter saponin coating has not been removed. In this case, you need to pre-rinse quinoa to remove this coating before cooking. Most shops now sell without stocking. 

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You can substitute your favorite rice dishes with the finished quinoa. You can also include it salads and soups. All blend well with the other ingredients quinoa adds its own crunchy texture to the mix.

Looking closely you can see a "tail" that's just quinoa seeds. This has a very pleasant crunch to it when you eat it. It has been seen as having a nutty feel and taste. We are not sure we agree, but the quinoa tastes good. 

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You can microwave quinoa and put it in casseroles as a thickening agent. All seed version is also quinoa flour and quinoa flakes. The flour is not like wheat flour, and you must use your imagination to use it properly. 

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What's so special about Quinoa? 

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Quinoa has several unique qualities. One of the great things is that quinoa is gluten free, which is great, when so many people have wheat allergies. Vegans and vegetarians eat it to give them amino acids, quinoa contains. Because it realeases the carbs slowly over time, it is by exploiting a series of food health problems.

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