Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Reasons to play piano

There are many reasons to play an instrument. Piano is a clear favorite, but why is it so popular? Mastering piano requires a lot of patience and commitment, and you Atoll discover that in most of the musical styles that are massively talented musicians who take what appears to be such a common instrument and create sound masterpieces. 

Fans of jazz music would have surely heard by the mainstream quite large, as Count Base and Duke Ellington, along with modern geniuses in the recent charts by storm by Jim Brick man, creator of original piano pieces that make it big, Unsmooth jazz AU radio stations internationally, as well as the more popular inspiration, pop and new age stations. There are also numerous well-known rock pianists from around the world like Elton John, Billy Joel, Paul McCartney, Carole King and Curly Simon. 

There are also a lot of classic and modern rock bands out there, and some of the best ones have included a fifth member on keyboards. The front man for the band, Austin, AU, Dennis Delong will be one of the more popular keyboardists. Rick Wake man of Yes, and Tony Banks of Genesis is also unusual, and David Spacious who played for many of the greats, including Bruce Springsteen, Carlos Santana and Sting. 

Learning to play piano can certainly increase your knowledge of music to include various music styles, including classical. It can currently not be your desire to learn this style of music, but you Atoll probably end up enjoying it, when you begin to expand your piano pieces by greats like Schubert, Mandel Son, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Mozart. The more you hear the individual works from the aforementioned artists, the more tempting is to try to imitate them. This is sure to impress your friends and family, as well as yourself when you begin to master them. After a while, as you progress and become more natural, it is very likely that you may end up playing solo or join a band. Achieving professional status as a performer can offer you great personal and economic benefits. Of course it depends how lucky you are to get a high paying job as a pianist, but what as worth a try if it is something you love doing. 

Learn to play piano today may benefit you in other ways too. 

Piano can help you to release your stress from a busy day, or clear your mind from a stressful situation. Piano also offers an emotional uplift, which increases your mood that you can concentrate on the music distracting from your problems. The second thing is that the piano can improve self-discipline. You, Atoll have to commit firmly to learn piano, which will require daily practice. This keeps you motivated to work harder against targets in all aspects of your life. 

Still not convinced? Well, there are a few more benefits as follows: In some ways it is easier to learn than to be a singer because you don, AOT have to worry about being off pitch. That is, unless you’re piano is out of line! Just make one call to a piano tuner, and that problem is resolved. Learning the guitar requires string replacements and daily tuning, while the wind instruments may need new mouthpiece or reed. With piano all you need is yourself and your fingers warmed up ready to play! Finally a great reason to learn to play piano is for personal gratification and results. You can get a sense of true happiness when you play a good composition. Bringing music into your life will surely make you a stronger and more energetic person in your mind, body and soul.

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