Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Tips for Housebreaking a new dog

Housebreaking a dog usually means getting the dog to use the bathroom at the right place and right time. This is certainly important. But the intrusion is much more than just potting training. It includes all of his behavior in the house. This includes his understanding of where he can go and when. 

One of the most unwelcome perform any dog to pee on the carpet. (A more comprehensive list of dog behavioral problems are available Dog Training Secrets.) Of course young puppies do not know any better. They do it when they need and where they are. It is natural. Therefore it is important to start training him as soon as you bring him home. 

Ideally, you got your puppy at around eight weeks old. The problem is that the dog can not control the muscles to hold urine until he is around twelve weeks old. This means it is important to take your dog outside or to the designated place frequently in the first days of ownership. This is especially important shortly after a meal. Take him out every hour at first, and when he goes, praise him many times. 

When the puppy goes in the right place (outside or within a particular field indoor), remember to praise him many times. You can even give him a favorite dog biscuits. This ensures the pet that he is pleasing you. So often opportunities and much praise will reinforce his unacceptable behavior. 

Are there places in your house, you do not want your dog to walk? For example, a black dog shed not be welcome on the white sofa! The puppy has not yet potty trained, are not welcome in carpeted floors. How do you get your new dog to understand these rules? 

Such training, says the best dog training books, is constructed of consistency and patience. If the dog goes into the forbidden territory, so instruct him with words and pulls him out, or out. Do this every time he sins, so he knows it is not allowed, ever. Do not make exceptions for anything he will not understand exceptions. 

If the dog violation and when you do not see, but never when you're watching, he may be showing a stubborn (and difficult) streak. A family has made it clear that their dog was not welcome on the furniture. When they came home and felt the hot spot on the softest chair, they knew the dog was in breach of rules. In such cases, you may need to trick the dog into thinking you are away when you really look. So when you catch him entry, a rap with a folded paper and a bale will show him that he never dares to cross the line. 

Dogs are please, so praise for right behavior goes a long way. Any reward you can think of will reinforce the good behavior, and withholding the reward will increase the cost of bad behavior. Be patient and not give up! In the long run, you and your dog will both be happy.

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