Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Training Aggressive Dogs

Dogs are naturally aggressive, and we all know that dogs are able to seriously harm humans and other animals. This does not mean that dog owners are completely helpless in their ability to stop aggressive dog behavior. An aggressive dog to have obedience training immediately before someone gets injured. 

Here is a great guide for training aggressive dogs, you should take a look at: Training Aggressive dogs. 

An aggressive dog will usually be aggressive towards strangers or family members. These two types of dog aggression occur for various reasons, so should be treated differently. 
Aggressive dog behavior towards strangers 

The most common cause of a dog not to break a person or another animal, is that he has not had a chance to get used to them. Socialization is the method used to put dogs to new environments and new people and animals. It is impossible that all stress the importance of socialization of your dog's training. You may be wondering how socialization can prevent an aggressive dog from attacking the postman or the pizza delivery guy. A dog has been socialized will begin to realize that these new sessions can be pleasurable instead of being scary. 

He needs to learn this lesson as a puppy. If your dog is often among the different types of people (such as, men in uniform, elderly, small children, teenagers, people carrying umbrellas or wearing helmets in a peaceful and pleasant surroundings, the less aggressive your dog is likely to be with strangers . 

Just a reminder if you are looking for a great free website helps you to solve your dog's aggressive behavior, you should check out: Stop Dog Aggression. 

Puppy group courses (often kept in pet stores or at a vet clinic) is a good place to socialize your puppy in a controlled environment. During these meetings, your dog will be taught how to interact with foreign dogs. These meetings will also make your dog know that he need not fear the people he knows. He should not feel overwhelmed by these meetings - to allow his tolerance to build gradually by starting out slowly. 
Aggression to family members 

The most common reasons that dogs show aggression to their human family are:

    * Your pooch is to protect his belongings from a perceived threat (to him, it's you!). This very possessive behavior (called resource guarding) is quite common in dogs. 

    * This resource guarding behavior is brought on by a sense of dominance and relate to your dog's perceived position in the hierarchy of your household. Dogs see the family make up as being no different than a dog pack. Dogs that perceive their position in the hierarchy to be higher than their own or family members are likely to show aggression. 

As a lower ranked dog would not behave in an aggressive manner towards a dog that was higher in the pecking order, resource guarding is clearly dominant behavior. 

The best way to stop dog aggression is to give your dog a consistent obedience training that will make your dog understand that you are the boss or "Alpha Dog". Your "Alpha Dog" status can be reinforced with rewards such as treat and praise when he responds appropriately to a command with "time out" to mislead.

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