Friday, May 14, 2010

4 tips that can help you Earn money from your blog

When most people think of what it means to make money blogging, two words seem to come up almost automatically: "instant cash". And yet, blogging for money is not your ticket to quick riches, as is often made out to be. A majority of today's most lucrative blogs were not run by people who used quick solutions. Instead, these bloggers relied on long-term solutions that will ensure their blog space in the online world. 

One of first things you must do as a professional blogger is getting ready for all the work that lies ahead of you. Remember that your blog will not be the only of its kind that are already up and running, which means that competition for the reader's attention is much stiffer now. Professional blogging does not produce a lot of profit in the beginning! You'll have to devote a lot of time on your site during its first stages, which may be a little difficult if you are already in possession of a day job. 

Despite these challenges, the professional blogging prove to be very satisfied when your site has gained a foothold in its own niche and readership base. Not only you get to write about things you are passionate, you also get to earn thousands of dollars each month just to send your blog entries! Before we proceed, however, not overlook these golden rules to start your own money-making blog. Follow these principles and you will find that blogging for money can be as fun as it is viable: 

1st Decide on a niche to specialize in, and plan out your blog accordingly:

Will you write about sports? Or will you run a constant stream of political commentary to your site? Thinking about putting up restaurant reviews? Notwithstanding the topic your blog will focus on is important for the rest of your site to be faithful to your theme. Choose a blog template, for example, to complement your overall theme, and keep your blog posts within the chosen niche. 

You can afford to create an off-topic blog posts every so often, but if you want to gain your readers trust and establish yourself as an expert, it is better to be consistent with your blog. For example do if your blog is about technology, do not write in detail about how you and your girlfriend had a fight the other night, or sharing your favorite recipe for moussaka. 

A cardinal rule for this is to choose a topic, you are really interested in, one that you can write about a good, long time. In other words, choose a topic that you really love. It is hard to fake enthusiasm for a subject you really do not care much about, and it is a tactic usually backfires. For example, do not create a blog about wedding planning just because it is a popular niche. Instead, choose a niche that you feel strongly about, whether it is food, politics, religion, photography, or even something as esoteric as zoology. 

Remember, good blog is one that is written with obvious enthusiasm and passion, and dealing with a subject you love ensures that you will not get sick of writing about it year after year. 

2nd Update often:

Update your blog regularly can make a big difference in the amount of traffic that your blog gets. You need to give your readers a good reason to visit your blog often, and one of best ways to lure them to your website is by offering new content as often as possible. People do not want to return to a blog just to find a post which they had already read before! Make your readers' visits worth their time by providing them with new content as often as possible. 

Frequent update also ensures that Google and other search engines index your site often makes your blog more visible and accessible to others. If you do not want your blog to fall into oblivion, you have to work to give your readers a lot of fresh items. 

3rd Take advantage of ad networks and affiliate programs:

Once you have your blog up and running, you can look at more direct ways to earn money from your website. A good way to kick start it by signing up for Google Adsense, which rewards you for each click to an advertising link from your site receives. 

You can also join an affiliate program such as Associates, ClickBank, or Azoogle. These programs pay you for every successful purchase / sign up that comes from a link that you put into your blog. 

At some point, you have to use a form of advertising on your site if you are willing to blog for money. Remember however that the amount of traffic your site receives, will affect the number of clicks your ad links will receive. No matter how big your affiliate program, it will not produce a lot of revenue if your blog does not have a lot of visitors. 

4th Write quality posts:

No matter how often you update your site, and no matter how many ad networks you are part of, you can not earn any revenues in the long run, unless you offer your readers a lot of quality, credible content. Nobody wants to read something that is bad or shabby written, so make your best to write as well and accurately as you can. 

When your readers realize that they can trust you to give them good advice and trustworthy information about your niche, they are obliged to return to your blog, and create backlinks to your website that will increase your search engine placement. When you earn a reputation as an expert with trusted advice and insight on your niche, your readers come back to your site again and again that generate traffic, clarifying in profits for you and your blog. 

Although there are different ways people make money blogging is the best tactic is still to provide quality content for your readers. Remember that people are not attracted to your site just because it has a beautiful template. While a good template can make a good impression your visitors are there for the information you can give! Also remember that you have to make judicious use all the features of your blog, especially when it comes to your affiliate programs and advertising strategies. When you've got the hang of it, you're sure to be blogging your way to a real and sustainable profit!

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