Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Create A Free Traffic Generator

When it comes to designing a catchy website nearly everyone ask can do it, when we ask them how they bring in traffic they start two Mumble. Not everyone knows how to start and build up there own free traffic generator, so we are going to tell you. 

The traffic generator are going to tell you about is Designed to bring you free real visitors and if you want they can be highly targeted two help increase sales. 

There's no secret system of special methods, you just use the sites that have produced traffic in the passed. For example we frequently write posts on my blog so two keep the traffic up and the links coming in we would promote that line over a variety of social bookmarking sites as they are good for instant traffic. we would repeat this process for every item we write, this will bring in small amounts of traffic and a couple of inbound links. 

The next thing we would do is write brief version of the post to submit two various article directories with several links pointing back to my site, the reason why the write a brief article is two entice the reader to click through the links to find out more by coming to my site. The more articles you promote the more traffic you will receive, we try to post at least once a day Which will help my traffic generator get bigger. 

We  also a strong believer in seo as it has worked nicely for me on several of my sites, so when you build your traffic generator, remember to promote your key-terms as the anchor text as this will help your seo efforts in the long run

We use all types of promotion when building my traffic generator that we use seo directory submissions two help increase my seeps and we often visit ALLOT of forums and join in on the conversations. If you ALLOT use forums its a good idea to have a nice memorable signature as believe it or not a good signature will get readers reading your posts. 

By now you probably get the just of how my traffic generator works, like we said there’s no secret methods just ALLOT of hard work which does pay off. The whole point of starting a traffic generator is two help bring in a steady flow of visitors, so all the links you produce will help.

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