Thursday, May 13, 2010

The devastating effects of drug

We can not begin to tell you how sad it makes me to see all the people suffering from drug addiction. we sincerely hope that this site will help inspire people to leave their substance abuse problems or be of support for someone they love to leave - without giving up or abandoning them. 

Addiction can happen to people from all walks of life, even those who have worked to help others with addictions! Just read some of the stories on this website to understand how true this is. 

Abuse abuse problems are costly in terms of money, time, physical damage to the brain and body - not to mention the emotional chaos caused on both those with an addiction and their loved ones. 

There is a gentleman in his early twenties, who apparently spent too much of a particular substance. He now speak for themselves, and often think he is talking on a phone when in fact he is not. People around me tell me that he was very smart before, excels in his field. Poor kid we feel sorry for him every time we see him talking to himself. He also walks around to avoid contact with others that he lives in his own little world most of the time. Some say that he gets better. We sure hope he does. 

We listened to the radio the other day and there was a study of carbohydrate addiction. Apparently, food addictions work in a very similar way to drug and alcohol addiction. They raise the dopamine level. The resulting 'down' after 'high' causes the user to search the addictive drug again. A high carb and fat addiction is one thing, but in case of heroin, this cycle can happen several times a day - quickly destroy the natural resources addict. 

Another person we know told me horrifying story about his cocaine abuse. we can not begin to tell you how traumatic his story is. He finally got that addiction, but went through hell!

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