Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gain More Web Traffic Using SEO Secrets

One of the most important things you can do when they try to get more web traffic is to keep your information fresh. When you walk into your local supermarket, no one wants to see some weary old fruit and vegetables. Nobody buys it. Poor shriveling things they just sit there, feeling all unloved until the day finally comes when they are dispatched to the bin or mash. 

Like your websites unless you keep it all fresh and happening, Google will surrender you to the bin or at least to page 3, and we all know how worthless it is. OK, so here are some of my SEO tips to keep things fresh: 

Blog - You need to blog, no secret there. My personal favorite is WordPress, but there are others. we already told you we are a great fan of the "social sites", Squidoo, Blogger and the like. However, there is one problem. Blogs make it difficult to sell things, they are not intended to take people down the page and into the your channel. 

Too many distractions, too many links. All good of course Google, but not good to you, especially if you are up for sale. So, tip number one is to blog in fact creates a blogging network, but so have all those blogs pointing at each other and your target site, probably HTML or PHP. By this way, we recommend Clow Creative if you are looking for cms website design. 

This way you can keep the content fresh on your blog that Google will love, and over time, they will carry enough link love over to you, boring, but better, HTML pages. 

Blogs often - it's hard to blog often, especially when you have a series of blogs to manage. What many people directed to is a kind of automated solution, and there are an increasing number of solutions out there. A few words of caution One, do not put all your eggs in one basket. Eventually, Google obtains all automated solution and see it for what it is automated. 

It wants new content remember, not all 582 blogs churning the same PLR article in exactly the same format. You can always say that you do not get caught, but if the basket is dropped, and all your eggs in it, then you're in big trouble 

My recommendation if you want down the automated route and plan to build a large network of blogs is to have at least four different options in play at once. Worst case is that only 25% of your network will start to collapse, which should give you enough time to shore up the dam walls. In truth, use most of the top seo services strategies like these, so we suggest you start your search for more web traffic there.

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