Friday, May 07, 2010

Internet Marketing Tips -What You Should Know

Affiliate Internet Marketing Video

One of the quickest ways to get thousands of visitors to your website is from a Joint Venture – This is the method of partnering with other people and “doing a deal”.

In many ways, Joint Ventures (JV’s) are much like Affiliate Sales where someone else is promoting your website and enticing people to visit.

One very common Joint Venture is working with someone else operating in a related or the same niche. You “do a deal” with the other party whereby they will push your website to their customers, in exchange for monetary compensation, or some other form of payment.

Perhaps the deal is you do the same (push their product to your customers).

Perhaps the deal is they do some form of advertising of your product or services to their mailing list in exchange for you buying some advertising space.

Or it could really just be a simple affiliate setup (you pay them a percentage of sales made to visitors they have directed to your website). In other words you have an affiliate set-up and “offer” it to the other person, who then gets paid for each client who purchases something.

But this is only part of the picture. Once you have a decent mailing list and contacts, there are lots more you can do with JV’s.

For example you can join up with someone else and put together a new website selling new products and share in the profit (and costs). Perhaps you can JV with a “big name” Internet Marketer and get their endorsement of your product to use in promotional material.

How about doing a deal with a software developer where they do all the software development and you do all the marketing of the product and you both share in the profits.

There are a heap of ways that JV’s work, and literally no limit to the possibilities. Get creative!

What you do want to do is join some of the JV networks out there especially the ones that are well known to other Internet Marketers because your then going to get more “deals” that are likely to be relevant to your market.

Many people claim to be experts in the area of internet marketing tips. We suggest you do some careful research yourself first to get a beginning understanding of this some important fundamentals.

The best JV networks we have found is unsurprisingly called the Joint Venture Network.

We like this site a lot because it costs nothing to read through all JV’s. Only the person who submits a JV has to pay and that is a cost of $100 and targets literally 1000’s of people! This is a great way to announce a new product and get instant affiliates and the cost is quite reasonable.

As we mentioned though, you can browse all current JV’s for free if you wish. We are a member and can vouch for it.

There is a special “one-time-offer” when you join to get some extra special deals as well and to change your membership type right up to Platinum where you get the ability to post “free” announcements every 30 days instead of paying $100 (this would be of use to the bigger marketer who is releasing new products on a regular basis). But you don’t need to do that, you can join for free and use it with paying anything if you wish.

Of course you don’t need to join a JV site to find people looking for a Joint Venture. You can also just go direct to the source and ask your existing contacts, or pick up the phone and start calling. we just find it a lot easier to put an announcement out, and get people who are interested to contact me… Nice!

Or what about attending a major Internet Marketing event. we did this myself; in fact we attended the Singapore World Internet Summit in May 2007 for this very purpose!

Can you find someone to exchange skills with? If done properly the process of doing this can build long-term relationships. Obviously anytime you are working with another person you need to make sure you build up a level of report and trust, and where possible and practical get an agreement in writing so both parties know exactly where they stand and what their obligations are.

This is of particular importance in the case of a joint ventures setting up a new site. In these types of situation you need to have a clear understanding of expenses (who is paying for them, who has the authority to “charge expenses” i.e. either or both parties), how the profits are to be used and shared (e.g. even split, profits left in system, or taken out monthly, etc).

JV’s can potentially be a massive way to increase visitors to your website!

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