Saturday, May 15, 2010

Josh Hayes Will show you how to succeed at Investment World

We know in my heart that as more people discover this genius his following will grow and he will long be remembered as one of the greatest investors ever. It's been well over 10 years, Joshua has graciously shared his investing knowledge with the world to help people achieve success. He has done this on his Maui Trader blogger when he was an active member of Investor's Paradise, and is now doing it on his paid site and free site 

So what makes his current sites offer? Joshua Hayes' paid site,, gives people access to Joshua daily stock picks for different prices depending on the degree of access. If you do not believe that paying for stock advice is worth so there is a free solution as well. Joshua is free blog where he discusses trends in the markets generally, and this free stock market investing advice is worth more than most magazine subscriptions. 

Joshua follow CANSLIM investing school is a big supporter of Investor's Business Daily, and user Worden Tele Chart software (check out his website for information on each). He has given his advice anywhere from Real Money to Seeking Alpha, from Best way to invest in Straight Shares and money elsewhere. He can teach people who have been investing much longer than he has because of his wealth of knowledge. 

We have followed Joshua for over three years now and we owe him a lot. He taught me from a novice investor to a person who knows more than most (though we still can learn something from Joshua everyday). If Joshua had not come "to" my life on the advice of a friend, we doubt my investment accounts would be worth more then the paper they are written on. we do not know why anyone would not benefit from his free offer of help on and we bet if you do get hooked and watch the value offers and sign up. Joshua Hayes is my hero.

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