Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Successful AdWords with Long Tail Keywords

Is the long tail keywords worth it with? Why would you even need large list of keywords with low traffic? Is it not important keyword management usually spend most of the time to optimize keywords that pays 80% of your traffic? Well, it all depends on your business type. 

If you do not have a strong competition, you should probably spend more time optimizing high traffic keywords, group them for targeted ad groups, optimizing bids, ads and landing pages. Also, if high traffic keywords bring you more profits, will focus on those keywords be smart thing to do. But if you can not afford the high traffic keywords or the keywords take most of your profits, you should try to add long tail keywords. 

With long tail keywords it comes to quantity. You have to find a way to create large keyword list, because these keywords have very low traffic. Some keywords will have a few clicks a day and some will never get any clicks. Here are a few basic ways how you can generate long tail keywords: 

1) Good keyword research. Before taking any specific actions you should do a very thorough keyword research. In most cases, you will find some keywords that have relatively high traffic and low competition. 

2) Keyword permutations. This is a great way to find new keywords quickly and easily. Eg If you send your product to all U.S. cities, you can lower your CPC just by adding U.S. cities and states names for your product keywords ("buy iPod Chicago" buy "iPod New York" buy "iPod Seattle ' etc.). 

3) Misspelled keywords. Great way to generate many long tail keywords. Just be careful not to create too many useless keywords. Try to create just the most common misspellings. 

4) Turnover keywords. Translating keywords for official languages in the countries you are targeting can greatly lower your CPC. For instance, there is much less competition for keywords in Spanish or Italian then in English. 

5) Replicating keywords to different match types. You should always do this. Do not just broad match. 

Of course there are many more ways to generate long tail keywords, but those five measures apply almost any AdWords campaign. 

If you want to automate the process, you have to use one or more tools. This AdWords Tool has many features that are necessary to create long tail keywords. AdWords Intelligence is great AdWords Software that provides easy interface to manage AdWords campaigns.

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