Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Targeted traffic is much better than just getting some traffic

You spend hours designing your site and make sure everything is as perfect as you can get it and then reality strikes, the simple fact that everything will be a waste of time without one thing - website traffic! Without website traffic is the same as building an expensive billboard and, instead of placing it alongside a busy highway, you hide in your basement where nobody can see it. 

When website owners realize that traffic is critical to their success they begin to spend money trying to buy hits, unfortunately not all requests are the same. 

In their quest to get eyes on their websites, most online operators do not realize that there is a big difference between driving "general" traffic to your website and driving "targeted" traffic. Just getting any traffic is the same technique TV advertisers use. They flash ads on the screen in front of people who can not afford or do not need the advertised product. 

Go to conventional advertising is not directed it relies on the hope that someone who is interested in the product can look at this very moment. General website traffic techniques include spam, banner ads and safe lists. Targeted traffic consists of people who are really interested in what you are selling or what you say. These people either share the same interests or have an immediate need or problem they are trying to solve. 

"Targeted" traffic is best because the people proposing your website has a much higher risk of actually making a purchase. Targeted traffic is delivered by people for links to websites or find you through search engines when they type in your keywords, and even the relevant links you provide in the articles that follow to reach your sites. 

If you do not already know where to find the best sources of targeted traffic to your website, you should experiment with a variety of sources to find the ones that bring visitors who give you the most "bang for your buck." 

The quickest way to determine which roads will provide the most targeted traffic is by using an "ad tracker". An "ad tracker" is a simple program that resides on the Web server that tracks how many visitors your site gets from a particular source and how many of them purchased. It sounds very simple but in reality very few companies do this! Most companies can not tell you their visitor to buyer conversion percentage, and therefore do not know exactly how much they can invest in the traffic generation and remain profitable. 

Whether you use PPC search engines and ezine advertisements costing you money or you decide to go the free route with the article Distribution, blogs, free search engines, free links etc of the one thing you should know is your most profitable sources of targeted website traffic end to be a buyer or subscriber. 

Failure to identify and track where your buyers come from and then calculate how much they really cost you ultimately translates into failure for your online business.

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