Friday, May 14, 2010

Tips when getting Collectibles on eBay

Buying collectibles is one of the most entertaining things to do on eBay, simply because you can find so many things that you just can not get anywhere else .. It is just like what seo services enjoy doing most, more web traffic to their sites or deciding on a big web site design. Here are a few tips to help you along the way .. 

Find your category  

You will probably find that all the topics you're after are listed in a single category .. Add this category to your browser's favorites, and return. 

Look for errors

If you collect something, but chances are you know a lot about it. This may be your opportunity to make a mint from a seller's mistake .. Some of them are not aware that they have a rare version of this item, or may have escaped the key information that makes the item valuable. If you're willing to contact the seller and ask them a few questions on the subject to confirm that this is what you think it is, then you should be able to buy things like these .. You may sell them at a large sum, if that is what you plan. 

Do not always Descriptions  

Do not assume that an item is "rare" just because you have not heard of it. Too many sellers just put 'rare' in all their descriptions - the chances of these things are common, large, and it may have just been descriced wrong. Do not bid unless you know what you buy. 

Stalk other users  

When you collect something, always remember that you will notice that there are four or five sellers who seem to come up with consistently good items. - And the same buyers buying them. Remember to add their user pages to your favorites and then check back often to see what they have - or what they are tender - you may be interested in. 

Do not get too close to a public auction  

They are millions and millions of items listed every day on eBay - whatever you want, it will come back again and if you did not get it, there are plenty more things to see and buy. It is much the same to the golden rule of negotiating: always be prepared to walk away. If you can not go away, so expect to pay over the odds. There are few things so rare that another seller will not have one to sell. Go and offer a lower price auction, instead of getting into a bidding war in one that is already expensive .. 

Beware of the Porto  

If you collect a lot of little things with relatively low value, most likely, you end up paying as much for postage as you do for each element. You should take these costs into account when you place your bid .. Another good strategy is to always buy a few things at once from the same buyer, as they will almost always offer you a discount on postage .. 

When you bid, you may notice that some auctions go more slowly than others, going days at a time without any new bids. The next email tells you how to take advantage of these 'slow' auctions.

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