Thursday, May 13, 2010

Your extra brain power equals more money

Our descendants are our bright lights to look forward to. But with this economy going down the drain with all the wild machinations in commodity markets and the likelihood of defaults by U.S. Treasury bills, you wonder if there will be a future left for our children to hope for! There is some good news out there themselves. 

It is no secret that watching TV stunts mental growth and prevents people from reaching their full potential. In the serious wealth games, television pacifier that placates masses, feeding them the false nonsense that the real financial movers and shakers want you to believe. The good news is this: Our children might be bored with watching TV. This is good news! 

According to some intellectuals in the wealth generation area, there is a new theory going around in financial circles that are gaining in popularity: It is a theory called: Cognitive Surplus. Cognitive means related to thinking; surplus means extra. Getting to the point, are you saying. Well, here is the idea ... 

After WWII, America had something really new - millions of people with spare time on their hands. In other words. Lots of people with idle minds: A cognitive surplus 

How did Americans waste all this time? They watched TV ... for many hours almost every day of their lives. Collectively, Americans watch 200 billion hours of television a year. 

Change is on the horizon. There are several reasons to believe that this theory may be right, here's an example: 

We had dinner with a group of friends about a month ago and one of them was talking about sitting with his four-year-old daughter watching a DVD. Without looking back, she is up and dig through the wires and preheperials, looking frantically for something. It seems like a sweet moment. Maybe she should return there to see if Dora is really back there or whatever. , we think her original purpose was not what we had expected. She started rooting around in the cables. And her father said, "What are you doing? Searching mouse" She said, stuck his head up behind the TV. " 

Every child understands that a commercial thats pointed at you but does not interact with you, really has no value. 

If this theory is correct, and if people are finally making pulls away from their flashing images, the consequences can be overwhelming. Those 200 billion hours of TV view is equal to the creation of Wikipedia's 2000 every year. Think about it for a moment. The cognitive surplus is huge, although only a quarter of us cut back on our TV to see and do something productive half. 

How will this little girl spend her time she grows up? Imagine what she could accomplish, she spent a small amount of her psychic energy are inventive with the mouse, what great things she could accomplish? And what if her peers do the same? There will be some big changes happening. Very positive change. 

Do something is almost always better than doing nothing. On the other hand, if you do nothing you are - and remain - a zero, a non-event. Create wealth not just happen. 

The end result of all this mental energy exploitation, is what? How can you as an individual exploit this power, either for investment or in your life? The future is very uncertain at best, these questions require answers. Yet the only way to save our economy and make the global financial system, something better if we want it is the only way to do this is by figuring out the answers quickly. The real secret to super rich who uses your cognitive surplus in your favor!

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