Friday, June 26, 2009

Biometric attendance system coming to Delhi courts

Fri, Jun 26

New Delhi, June 26 (IANS) A biometric attendance system will soon be introduced in the five

district courts of the capital in order to maintain discipline among the court staff and improve

work culture.

'It was noticed that some of the employees come very late to the courts and leave whenever they

wish to... but with the biometric attendance system, things will change and employees will have to

follow the timings or otherwise they will be marked as late,' said an official from the court


At present, all court employees mark their attendance on a piece of paper which is circulated to all

the staff and this finally goes to the District Judge, who sends it to the administration department.

However, in this system, no record of those coming late, or leaving early can be maintained.

In a biometric attendance system, one's finger or card has to be placed on the 'reader' to register

presence and the time the employee comes to and goes out of the office is recorded. Such a

system is already prevalent in various government departments including the Municipal

Corporation of Delhi.

'Introduction of this biometric attendance system is part of the modernisation of courts and, if

implemented, it will be a boon to the entire judicial system which is facing a huge backlog of

cases,' said the official.

Some employees have welcomed the introduction of this system.

'I am happy if such system will be introduced as our hard work will not go unnoticed. Sometimes

to clear our backlog, we have to sit two to three hours after the court but that is of no use as

nobody maintains any such record and we are deprived of overtime,' a court employee said.

The system will also bring more transparency as some staff members mark proxy attendance of

their colleagues, the employee added.


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