Thursday, July 09, 2009

India continues agressive pitch at G-8

PM Manmohan Singh has been quite aggressive in the messages he sends to the developed world
at the G-8 summit.
Manmohan Singh has said that solutions need to be found for the global meltdown. But they
cannot come at the cost of poorer nations. In a strong message ahead of the G8 meet in Rome.
The emerging economies of the G5, including India have asked the group of the industrialised
nations to find global solutions to international problems without compromising the interest of
developing and poor countries.
This comes just a day after Manmohan Singh wrote an unusually stern letter to the G-8 leaders-
making a pitch for India's inclusion in the United Nations security council. India's assertive
attitude at this year's G-8 summit has led many analysts to brand the excercise as an attempt to
reinfoce its image as an emerging global economic powerhouse on the world stage all ready to
enter the league of the permanent UNSC members.

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