Tuesday, July 07, 2009

NGOs roped in to bring dropouts back to school

Tue, Jul 7
The city had an alarming number of 8,600 school dropouts, of which 6,058 have been enrolled under
Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan, according to the statistics available with the UT Education department.
This was revealed at a meeting held under the Partnership Initiative Programme at Government
Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 35, on Monday.
Director Public Instructions (Schools) Samwartak Singh, Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan coordinator Pritpal
Kaur, along with several members of NGOs, welfare associations, social activists and volunteers
were present during the meeting.
Several measures and strategies were discussed to reduce the number of dropouts including the
decision to rope in NGOs working with the economically weaker sections of society.
Source: http://in.news.yahoo.com/48/20090707/804/tnl-ngos-roped-in-to-bring-dropouts-back.html

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