Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Obama''s appeal for 2016 Olympics in Chicago

Wed, Jul 8
Making another pitch for his hometown Chicago as host city for the 2016 Olympics, US
President Barack Obama has said the Games will give America an opportunity to reach out to the
world and "renew our bonds of friendship", a message that will be conveyed at the final
campaign pitches by candidate cities in Africa. The two-minute video appeal by Obama is part of
a 15-minute presentation by Chicago''s 2016 Olympic bid team before the Association of
National Olympic Committees of Africa in Abuja, Nigeria today.
"From the beginning I have fully supported Chicago''s dream of hosting the 2016 games,"
Obama said in the message taped at the White House. "As President, I see the 2016 Olympic and
Paralympic Games as an opportunity for America to reach out and renew our bonds of
friendship around the world, to welcome the world to our shores with open arms

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