Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Two Indo-Canadian youth die in street racing

Two Indian Canadian young men were killed in street car racing on a busy inner-city highway
here Monday night.
Adam Bhagirathi, 21, who was driving his Nissan sports car, and his friend Geetesh Singh, 20,
were killed when their vehicle spun out of control while racing with an unknown white car.
After hitting the guardrail, their two-seater car flipped over, killing Bhagirathi and Singh.
While the two men, who were friends since school days, were pronounced dead on the scene of
the crash, a 21-year-old woman, who was with them and has not been identified, survived the
She has been admitted to hospital with serious injuries.
Since it was a two-seater sports car, police said the woman was reportedly sitting in the lap of
Singh who was in the passenger seat.

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