Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Air Marshal Mohan Swaroop Chaturvedi

Marshal Swaroop Mohan Chaturvedi

The Early Years:

MS Chaturvedi was commissioned into the Indian Air Force as a Pilot Officer on 20 July 1940. He was one of the first batch of recruits taken directly as "observers" in the IAF, in light of his flying experience and professional qualifications. He began his training at No 20 Squadron RAF at Lower Topa, walls Hills and Risalpur in the Northwest Frontier Province. He was assigned the ordinary task Observer Branch as an observer (navigator who was then known then). At the time when they flew open cockpit plane as Westland Wapiti and Hawker Harts. Navigator had four roles in such aircraft - navigator, air gunner, bomb aimer and wireless operator. The complexity of the role that was exacerbated by the fact that Navigator was not used to the aircraft, but was linked to it by a chain, and had to cling fast to the gun ring during maneuvers.

After his training, Plt Offre M.S. Chaturvedi was inducted into the Coast Defense Flight in Bombay (originally called the Indian Air Force Volunteer Reserve). He flew Wapitis and Dragon Rapides. Their main task was to exercise vigilance over the coast and escort convoys in and out of ports. Patrols in the Dragon Rapide offered more than fair share of excitement to the aircrew. On one of the tasks, he wrote:

"Being a two-engine aircraft, the safety margin of the Dragon Rapide was far greater than the Wapitis and Audax. However, examples of engine failure was not uncommon. I had a terrible experience when, while flying with Minoo Engineer on a patrol mission to the oil pressure in one of the engines started quickly. The engine was lean and bombs thrown overboard into the sea. We started trekking back and just did Juhu airport when the second engine also stopped. The landing gear was made by Minoo Engineer with both engines died, it was a touch and go affair, and we were both very badly shaken. "

World War had come to India's eastern border in 1942 with the Japanese have captured most of Burma. This led to the formation of new squadrons of the IAF. Chaturvedi joined the newly established IAF Squadron No. 7 and was educated in the OTU at Peshawar on Vultee Vengeance Dive Bomber aircraft. Squadron was a mobile squadron, with its own equipment and personnel to keep it independent of ground stations. In Peshawar, was finished in Phaphamau (near Allahabad) to Bairagarh (near Bhopal). So Squadron moved to Cambelpore in NWFP for its operations.

He served on the Burma front in 1942-3. He was providing reconnaissance and close air support for ground troops. Despite the difficult conditions because of the monsoon with slush-filled roads and airfields, cloud covered the target and enemy attack, Squadron flew almost 100% service-friendliness makes the maximum possible trips per aircraft per day. Besides providing invaluable reconnaissance photos of Japanese attitudes, he participated in bombing enemy dumps, troop concentrations and supply lines.

After the Burma Campaign, MS Chaturvedi was stationed in various capacities in Dehradun, Bangalore and Madras. In July 1946 the postwar demobilization at its peak, he was inducted into the Staff College in Quetta (Balochistan). His outstanding performance led to his membership of the Air Headquarters as Squadron Leader Plans II in October of that year.

He was personally handpicked by GP Capt Aspy Engineer for a trip to England to study the RAF Record Office in London and Ruislip. This was done so that Chaturvedi to take over RIAF Record Office, on his return, Chaturvedi returned as a Wing Commander to take over as officer in charge Record Office in Red Hills, Madras in 1947. Just after independence, he moved to the IAF Records office in New Delhi.

The Strategist with Foresight:

MS Chaturvedi contribution to the country until now had been in various properties, but what was to follow would drive him to the highest layers of the Indian Air Force. In 1949 he was appointed director of policy and plans with the rank of Group Captain. This marks the beginning of his role as a strategist, which lasted until the end of his career. It was under his leadership that a strong foundation for the modern IAF was conceived and created from scratch, an achievement that deserves him a place among the greatest leaders of the Indian Air Force.

At the time, Gp Capt Chaturvedi took over as director of policy and plans, the IAF was in a state of confusion and change. The withdrawal of the British officers and equipment, followed by reduction of squadrons due to the formation of Pakistan, and finally the Kashmir conflict had taken their toll on IAF and planning processes was virtually nonexistent. Gp Capt Chaturvedi began to formulate a strategy to develop an Air Force capable of both offensive and defensive roles to succeed against external aggression. This also applies to transportation needs and support options and well-trained, well-equipped workforce.

Chaturvedi prepared detailed plans for creating a balanced Air Force for twenty squadrons (from six and half in use then) who would meet the needs of the Air Force for many years. This plan was submitted to the Government after approval by the Chief of Air Staff. The government decided because of budget constraints to immediately upgrade to a TI squadron of Air Force and to build the training and infrastructure to a twenty-squadron force.

The first task in the implementation of the policy was to expand the IAF's training facilities for all sectors, including Flying, Ground Operations, technical training and weapons. Chaturvedi was involved in the planning and creation of a number of these facilities from scratch, even before any ground infrastructure was in place. Originally British instructors were used to address the shortage of skilled people, and gradually replaced by Indian instructors when they were ready to take their place. With around 1951 most of the IAF training infrastructure was in place that will keep it in good place in the coming decades.
Chaturvedi felt that while the overall training of pilots in squadrons was good that the pilots did not get the correct exposure to live armament firing. He was instrumental in identifying Jamnagar as the place to create Armament Training Wing. He personally visited the site for a recce 28 September 50, in order to determine ATW. Jamnagar at the time was only a small airstrip and a civilian airport. But Chaturvedi recognized its potential and the opportunities and immediately recommended place to be developed as ATW. Shortly after the start of operations training Wing, which operates under the tents at Jamnagar, until the time the building was finished.

During 1951 MS Chaturvedi was also part of the northern and north-eastern border area committee setup by the Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to study the effects of the occupation of Tibet by China and recommend measures to mitigate potential threats. This committee also senior representatives from the Army, Ministry of External Affairs and Defense. He was also on a two person committee with the deputy chief of the army to assess the situation in Nepal. Both committees submitted comprehensive recommendations, which unfortunately was lost in a bureaucratic maze that could, if implemented in practice has reduced the problems India faces in the Chinese conflict in 1962.

By the end of 1952 the government had accepted the IAF's proposal to increase to a 15 squadron force. This shifted the focus Chaturvedi as director of policy and planning to buy the right aircraft. Until now, the IAF had used British aircraft like the Hurricanes, Spitfires and storms all World War II vintage. For the new fighter choice was between the British Meteor and the French Ouragon. Gp Capt Chaturvedi recommended the French Ouragon to reduce the risk of the IAF to have a single supplier (United Kingdom) for all its purchases. Chaturvedi had already felt the risks of increased tensions with Pakistan from 1951, when it became apparent that enough spare Vampire was not filled with the IAF, though it was in the front line fighter. As he would write later, "I learned not to put all our eggs in one basket - and thus are dependent on only one source of supply"

Chief of Air Staff (Air Marshal Gibbs) was not in favor of Ouragon, but nevertheless he acted fairly and asked the prime minister to decide on this issue. The prime minister, after careful consideration decided to Ouragon taken from France. Similarly, for the procurement of transport aircraft Chaturvedi chose the American C-119 with Wright Cyclone engines. This policy of diversification of procurement from various countries have been used by the Air Force side.

Multivariate Leader:

After formalizing the policy of the IAF, MS Chaturvedi moved rapidly through a series of leading roles. In each of these roles, his contribution was always as a visionary. At this time, his roles varied, with almost all top positions in Airstaff, staffing and maintenance.
In 1954 trains still in the rank of Group Captain Chaturvedi over as Station Commander, Air Force Station, Tambaram (near Madras), the largest Air Force Station at the time. After sitting there for about a year, he returned to Delhi by the Station Commander, Air Force Station, New Delhi. Many Air Force facilities in Delhi, is currently in use owe their existence to Chaturvedi's sting as Station Commander. In addition to the current Air Force Station, he also created two Air Force School - Air Force Bal Bharti Air Force School and Central School. Over the next few years, Chaturvedi has evolved rapidly over the posts of Director of Reserves and Director of Personnel Department.

The technical equipment and services of the IAF had lagged behind the rapid technological development and introduction of advanced equipment, which was introduced in the Air Force. In 1957 he became chairman of a committee consisting of senior-most officers of these branches to reorganize those services and improve coordination at all levels. Recommendations creation of Air's parks in the vicinity of each operational area in order to reduce the size and response time of the supply lines. The technical equipment and services were held at the same level of reporting and was divided by the aircraft. Increased cooperation with the respective employees at all levels from Air Headquarters downwards were asked to solve any problem by discussing it directly with their colleagues.

In 1958 MS Chaturvedi was promoted to Air Commodore and appointed Air Maintenance clock. This gave him the chance to implement the recommendations of the committee and revive the technical equipment and services. This task was complicated by the fact that the IAF was handling more than twenty different aircraft at the time, many of which were outdated and spare parts for them were purchased by the cannibalization of other aircraft or local production. Air Commodore Chaturvedi also established the right systems in the coming years to increase efficiency by preserving and strengthening them to resist pressure from the war. These measures ensured the success of the IAF, when tested by the war against Pakistan in 1965.

Not soon thereafter, Chaturvedi be Air Vice Marshal in the young age of 48, in 1963 and took over as Air Watchkeeper Administration. After the 1962 war against China, IAF felt the need to develop a strong defense of India's eastern border. In his time he created a series of Air Wings and stations in North Bengal and Assam. Many of these bases were all World War II airstrip and the entire infrastructure of these databases were developed during his tenure.

Air Vice Marshal Chaturvedi were among the main contributors during the war against Pakistan in 1965 and his efforts to strengthen the IAF's personnel and aircraft serviceability IAF gave a decisive advantage, which leads to air superiority established very quickly.

With upgradation of ranks of the IAF in 1966, he became an Air Marshal in 1966. At that time he was deputed to serve the nation in another capacity as CEO of Air India. Air India was among the largest international airlines at this time, with JRD Tata as its President. Under Air Marshal Chaturvedi seven years at the helm grew Air India's revenue and profitability quickly, and it was one of the first non-American airlines to acquire the Boeing 747 aircraft. During this period he also served as chairman of the Aeronautical Society of India, through its long experience in military and civil aviation to promote the growth of pilots and aerospace engineers in India.


After his retirement in 1973, Air Marshal Chaturvedi used his knowledge and understanding of the IAF to write a book titled "History of the Indian Air Force. This book is considered a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the evolution of the IAF in the great fighting forces in the world. Great attention was given to the development of electronics and description of training units in the book, which is not
available anywhere else.

Marshal M.S. Chaturvedi was a great aviator, a visionary thinker and a skilled leader. Many of his policies have withstood the ravages of time, and the framework that he created for the IAF still exists, despite the enormous changes that have occurred in technology. That is his legacy to the nation that will keep for a very long time to come.

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