Friday, January 22, 2010


Restaurant serving alcohol and offers light musical entertainment. The cabaret probably originated in France in the 1880s as a small club that presented amateur acts and satiric skits lampooning bourgeois conventions. The first German Cabaret opened in Berlin c. 1900 by Baron Ernst von Wolzogen and accompanied her musical acts with biting political satire. By the 1920s it had become the center for underground political and literary expression and a showcase for works of social critics as Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill, the decadent, but the fertile artistic environment was later portrayed in the musical Cabaret (1966, film 1972 ). The English cabaret comes from concerts in the city's taverns in the 18th - 19 century and developed into the Music Hall. In the United States has evolved in the cabaret nightclub, where comedians, singers, musicians or exported. Small jazz and folk clubs and, later, comedy clubs evolved from the original cabaret.

The cabaret probably originated in France in the 1880s as a small club where the audience was grouped around a platform. Entertainment at first consisted of a series of amateur acts linked together by a compere, his coarse humor was usually directed against the conventions of bourgeois society. The typical program that first flourished in the Montmartre district of Paris on the tiny Chat Noir in 1881, included poetry readings, shadow plays, songs and comic skits. The primary exponent of French cabaret entertainment was the Moulin Rouge in Paris, which was established in 1889 as a dance hall, it featured a cabaret show, Cancan was first performed, and how many big stars in black and Music Hall later appeared. World of the Moulin Rouge in its heyday was immortalized in the graphic art of Toulouse-Lautrec. 

Imported from France c. 1900, was the first German Kabarett established in Berlin by Baron Ernst von Wolzogen. It retained the intimate atmosphere, entertainment platform, and improvisational nature of the French cabaret but developed its own characteristic gallows humor. By the late 1920s the German cabaret gradually had come to feature mildly daring musical entertainment for the middle-man, and biting political and social satire. It was also a center for underground political and literary movements. Visited by artists, writers, political revolutionaries, and intellectuals, the German cabarets were usually located in old cellars. They were center for the leftist opposition to the rise of the German Nazi party, and often experienced Nazi retaliation for their criticism of the government. Composers Paul Hindemith and Hans Eisler, unknown at the time were active in the cabarets, so also were playwrights Bertolt Brecht and Frank Wedekind. The musical show Cabaret (1966) and a film version (1972) describes the 1930s German cabaret. The cabaret survived in the post-World War II Germany as a forum for topical satire, but lost most of its political significance. 

Comparable cabarets thrived in Barcelona, Krakow, Moscow and St. Petersburg during the 20th century. Tristan Tzara's Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich (1916-17) was a breeding ground for Dadaism, a platform of radical experimentation in poetry, art and music. The English cabaret had its roots in the taproom concerts in the city's taverns in the 18th and 19 century. A popular form in the late 19th centuries, it was often called a music hall, music hall usually meant black in England

In the U.S., where it was known as a cabaret nightclub was in the second half of the 20 century one of the few remaining places where an entertainer, usually a comedian, singer or musician could create a report with the audience in an intimate atmosphere that encouraged improvisation and freedom material. Although music for dancing was often asked during the entertainers' breaks, the primary attraction was the featured entertainer. In the post-Second World War a few artists had success with sharp political and social satire, but commercial considerations were decisive, and nightclubs relied primarily on established theatrical personalities who could attract a large audience. In 1980, most clubs have disappeared, giving way to restaurants and theater entertainment centers with larger passenger capacity. This form of entertainment performed in comedy clubs, prominent among them Chicago's second largest city, and in a musical "torch song" lounge tradition which revives jazz and musical theater repertoire of programs performed by vocal soloists. The material at comedy clubs can be political, while singing performance clubs generally reject such a controversy.

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