Monday, January 25, 2010

Dazzling Hats

Hats have been around for a very long time. It is impossible to say when the first animal skin was pulled over his head as protection against the elements, and although this was not a hat in the proper sense, it was realized that covering your head can sometimes be an advantage. 
One of the first hats to be depicted was found in a tomb painting at Thebes and shows a man wearing a coolie-style straw hat. Other early hats include the Pileus, which was a simple skull cap, the Phrygian cap, which was found later that the "liberty cap 'given to slaves in Greece and Rome when they were made free men, and it Pestasos comes from ancient Greece and is the first known hat with a brim. 
Although women from an early stage were always expected to have their heads covered by veils, scarves, caps, hats and wimples, it was not until the late 16th century that women's structured hats, based on the male courtiers began to be seen. 
It was in the late seventeenth century that women's headgear began to emerge in its own right and not be influenced by men's hat fashion. The word "milliner", a manufacturer of women's hats, which was first recorded in 1529, when the term for products such as Milan and the northern regions, was well known, ie tape, gloves and straws. The haberdashers who imported these highly popular straws were called 'Millan' from which the word was eventually derived. In the middle of the 1800s, Swiss and Italian straws, was together with imitation straws made from paper, cardboard, grass and horsehair available for women with with the introduction of velvet and tulle. 
In the first half of the nineteenth century the bonnet dominated women's fashion, becoming very large with many bands, flowers, feathers and gauze trims giving an impression of even greater size. By the end of this century, although bonnets were still prevalent, many other styles he could find, including the broad shadows with flat crowns, the flower pot and the toque - feathers and veils abounded. Even in the early 1900's most hats were enormous and adorned with flowers, feathers, ribbons and tulle, in the mid-1920s women's hair was much shorter with the shingle cut and Cloche, which hugged the head like a helmet with a very small brim, had become fashionable. Now, after 1 World War II, there was suddenly such a proliferation of styles and materials that many women had to rely on advice from milliner inside. 
From the 1930s to the 1950s, one could say that New York, with its many European immigrants had become the world's leading Millinery city, with department stores such as Sacs Fifth Avenue, Henri Bendel and Bergdorf Goodman in the lead with their own Millinery workspaces. In the 1930s and 40s the tendency was for hats to have higher crowns with smaller shadows, and when it was war time, it was mainly the trims which were changed with women to do with turbans made from pre - ammunition. 
In 1950 arrived, ready to wear clothes rob milliner of thousands of their crucial role in the world of fashion. Just during the war many women who had not previously worked, worked, and was then loathed to lose their newly won freedom and independence. This new situation meant that they no longer had as much time or energy to spend on being trendy. 
In the 1960s the hat again overtaken by wigs and hairdressers, who combed dyed, back and sprayed women's hair and exotic "sculptures". Both men and women also realized that they could dress less formally and the hat was inevitably a temporary casualty. But in the 1980s and 90s, there has been a renewed interest in women's Millinery. This was initiated largely by public personalities like the late Princess of Wales's enthusiasm for wearing hats. Many new hat designers have emerged because of this, and therefore have made the 90 is a very innovative and diverse period for hats. There are still, and probably always will be two basic styles - the shadow and brimless - and two basic forms - caps and hats. Millinery Inner take these shapes and with the help of many trims and details that create an infinite variety of hats for men and women. 
Hats for Occasions:
As the years have gone hats have slowly lost favor, even for weddings and worship with only one part of the congregations donning them. They have never been used much since the 1920s. They became popular again in the 1980s for weddings and other special occasions after the Princess of Wales, Diana used them to add a sense of elegance to her persona in the early days of her marriage. When she found her confidence, she left the hat for most occasions. 
Hats when worn today are either worn in a very elegant apartment as a wedding or vice versa as random statement dress this way, caps worn the wrong way round. Functional hats are still used by uniformed workers for corporate identity or protection, as well as for many people in bad

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