Monday, January 25, 2010

Develop our DRESS SENSE

Most of us love to flick through a fashion magazine and the new forms and styles, but very few will come to understand and invest in them. We buy clothes that appeal to our innate sense. And we hardly give a passing thought, why we choose the clothes that we do. Dressing right is more complicated than just the clothes together. 
Our dressing habit is influenced not only our job function or role in society, it is developed by what we see, feel and experience around us during our lives. Firstly, the family we were born. Dressing in this case Outlook is influenced by our family or orthodox or liberal. 

According to Dr Samir Parikh, psychiatrist, our training is the choice of driving to dress a certain age. But we begin to move and get exposure, we tend to drop our inhibitions and wear what feels appropriate to our current lifestyle. As we grow and learn on our own decisions, our sense of dressing evolves and we wear things that make us feel good and help us with our competitors. Dressing and looking pretty is also about a woman growing up and thrive. As a young girl or even a young woman dressing under parental direction. Only when she marries or goes out to follow her career, she has given space to develop his sense of dress. 
Blending In 

While individualistic style is what everyone is talking about, but none of us really nice to be so drastic to invite unwanted criticism. The common desire is to make a statement without notice if another creature. This is a very difficult task that most of us try hard to achieve. Adds Dr Parikh, "a dress is a reflection of our social life. Most women prefer to wear socially appropriate clothes. They are always looking for reaction to their clothing. The effect on the mind set of women, when others respond in a manner contributing with a ". 
Influence of Dressing 

While growing up, women develop their sense of dressing from about four or five key factors around them. We learn through observation. According to sociologists reasons such as high exposure in the media, life, peer-group help develop our dressing habits in a big way. "I would say the most important parameter, which follows the way women dress is what is portrayed in the media. They somehow make you feel that it is probably the right thing to wear. Now more than ever exposed for high fashion that women get the media to persuade them to buy clothes that mimic what is shown, "informs Dr Parikh. 

While our dressing waving to the liberal mindset, or depends on how we were brought up, but the decision to follow the development and stick to traditional clothing of the outside world more than innate. It is a known fact that women, to follow certain fashion trends, like their comfort (or common sense). 

Another important parameter that determines a woman dressing course in life. It is her age and her family and status. What is amazing to see in India is very expensive women, women who bear the greatest jewelry and ornaments at every opportunity, the older women. You will see younger women dressed more modestly than their older colleagues. It is a sort of social statement. 

With the increased self-awareness, women dress today also taken up as a weapon of attraction. Our dressing sense is developed through a great deal of peer pressure and our need to attract others. There is also a certain sexual element in the dressing. Although not as much as in the West, Indian women have also started to dress to attract sexual partners. While our statistics are lower than in the West but more and more Indian women know the importance of looking good, as their potential partners. 

So in conclusion we can say to dress and care about is to develop self-esteem and a sense of power. Take an example from everyday life, the day that we dress up in clothes and colors we perceive as relevant to us, that we not only feel, but also trust. But when we dress we perceive as a complement to our sense of style wear, we automatically feel shy.

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