Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Although Genghis Khan (more properly known as Chinggis Khan), is primarily thinking negatively in the West, he is one of history's more charismatic and dynamic leaders. During his lifetime, he conquered more territory than any other conqueror and his successors established the largest continuous empire in history. Even today his legacy continues in Asia, outside of Genghis Khan, there would be a Mongolia.

The fact that Genghis Khan was able to command a place in history is perhaps more amazing than the deeds that gave him a reputation as a major part of his life before 1200, was filled with adversity. Born to a noble family Yesugei and Ho'elun was Genghis Khan first called Temuchin. From an early age he was engaged to AWAY, which belonged to another tribe. After leaving Temuchin with BORTE Yesugei family was returning to his own camp when he was poisoned by Tatars. After his father died, Temuchin back to his family, still a boy. The primary source of information on Temuchin life, The Secret History of the Mongols, he endured many hardships, including the abduction of his wife away, but slowly recruited supporters and assumed a mantle of leadership among the Mongols. 

After rising to power in 1185, Temuchin experienced many setbacks and ultimately triumph. A key to his success was an alliance with his father's anda or blood brother Toghril Ong-Khan, Khan or King Keraits, as was another strain. With Toghril support, regained Temuchin away, and slowly became the decisive power in the steppe. Finally, the relationship between Temuchin and Toghril soured and led to a war that left Temuchin victorious. By 1206 Temuchin dominated Mongolia and received the title Genghis Khan (thought to mean Oceanic Ruler or business, Resolute Ruler). The years between 1185 and 1206 was undoubtedly the most difficult years for this feared and respected man. 

Although Genghis Khan now ruled Mongolia and had united the various tribes in one strain (the Mongols), he was not satisfied with being there. Researchers have suggested several reasons for Genghis Khan began a career of conquest, including the requirement of the spoils, revenge for past wrongdoings and megalomaniacal greed for territory and riches. But as with most wars, there was never a single reason, and certainly a number of factors came into play. 

In 1207, the Mongols began operations against the Xi Xia, which comprised a large part of northwestern China and parts of Tibet. This campaign lasted until 1210 with the Xi-Xia ruler submitting to Genghis Khan. During this period, are presented, including Uighurs peacefully to the Mongols and became valued administrators throughout the empire. 

Peace did not last long. In 1211, after a great meeting quriltai or Genghis Khan led his armies against the Chin dynasty that ruled northern China. The war continued against the Chin until 1234, long after Genghis Khan's death. Maybe he would have succeeded against them, but he was pulled away from the campaign because of an incident in central Asia. In 1219 a caravan under the protection of Genghis Khan had been massacred in Otrar, a city with Khwarazm empire that included all or parts of modern Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan

With his armies engaged in China, Genghis Khan was trying to find a peaceful solution, but Khwarazmshah Muhammad, ruler Khwarazm Empire, forced the issue, perhaps unaware of Genghis Khan. After the execution and humiliation of his envoys, Genghis Khan left a trusted general, Muqali fighting chin while he led an army into Central Asia. Mongol armies had clashed with Khwarazm earlier in 1218, when Genghis Khan's Sun Jochi and a general (Jebe) completed the conquest of Qara-Kitai, which was northeast of Khwarazm. 

From 1219 to 1222, led the Mongols, a war in Central Asia, destroying Khwarazmian empire. Striking from multiple directions, Genghis Khan, accompanied by his four sons: Jochi, Ogodei, Chaghatai and Tolui-implemented a campaign that remains strategically remarkable. Even a couple Khwarazmian princes escaped defeat was complete, but Genghis Khan still had a question of revenge to settle. 

Mistress Xi Xia, which was filed in 1210, had not provided troops for the campaign. Although this rebellion deeply insulted Genghis Khan, currently defeats Muhammad Khwarazmshah was far more important. After the conquest of Khwarazmian Empire, but Genghis Khan turned his armies back to Xi Xia. 

In 1226, his armies invaded the Xi-Xia. During the campaign, Genghis Khan fell from his horse when frightened, while the emperor hunted. Although he eventually died from internal injuries as a result of the fall that he did not let his supporters to stop the campaign. The continuing siege of the capital of Xi-Xia, even after his death. When the conquest was complete, Genghis Khan was buried at a secret location, which remains an enigma, although several modern expeditions have tried to find it. 

Even today the legacy of Genghis Khan is still impressive. His wars were often a matter of retaliation and bid for territory or riches. As an organizational and strategic genius, Genghis Khan created one of the most disciplined and efficient armies in history, the same genius also gave birth to the central administration, who mastered it. Even after he died on campaign in 1227, the Mongol armies dominated the battlefield until the kingdom stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the Adriatic Sea

His non-military achievements include the introduction of a writing system based on the Uighur script (still used in Inner Mongolia today), the idea of religious tolerance throughout the kingdom, and the achievement of tribal unity among the Mongols. Genghis Khan's greatest successes may not be counted in terms of area and victories, but in the presence of a Mongol nation and culture. Mongols today celebrate him as the founder of Mongolia.

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