Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to deal with Win32 Trojan Virus

VirusWin32 is the most common virus, when we use the computer. Their anti-virus program can detect this virus but can not remove it, you can just delete the infected files. Besides this, VirusWin32 infect EXE programs on your computer. If yes, you'd better take a backup of important documents and information first, then delete the infected files. For convenience, you can also turn the Active Defense function of your security program, especially in the Registry Protection and Application integrity protection. It would be better to keep your computer in Safe. 
Virus characteristic of VirusWin32 will change accordingly when it infects a file. So it is hard for anti-virus software to kill it by discovering the state code. So far there is no program that can completely fix EXE files that have been infected by VirusWin32, but put it in the quarantine folder. However, your system will be in trouble by infection of VirusWin32 and you have to restore your system after the backup of some important files. To prevent this virus, and security of your computer, you'd better equip the computer with mandatory safety program. Once the infection, you should run the security program to detect it and remove it timely. Sometimes you can get your system EXE file is damaged badly, you can backup first and then restore the system. If you have no backup in advance Overwrite Installation is great because it can minimize the loss. Or you can stop using your computer for a few days and then detect the virus by updating your security program. 
These files have the suffix of WINCC? AWCUN? AWC32? APSTO are easily infected by VirusWin32. Once the virus enters your computer, it will connect to the server and perform some backdoor operation. And it also infect linkinfo.dll? Capphelps.dll which is under the Windows directory by typing the characteristic of bytes in these files and a drive file named riodrvs.sys will be produced at the same time. At this moment, some Power Tools on your computer, such as SMS icesword can not function normally. Here I would like to recommend you a quick and violent tool? | Spyware Cease, you can use to register riodrvs.sys to remove VirusWin32. Run Full scan, remove the files found and finally restore your system. So the problem can be fixed!

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