Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to generate leads online

The digital form of marketing can guarantee exceptional lead generation results for a company, although some Internet marketing managers focus ROI evaluation only to calculate how many users visit a particular Web page, or fill out a contact form, not to consider any other visitors who show interest during their visit to the website. 

The main research has indicated the average conversion rate of interactive marketing campaigns that less than 1%, so the annual budget has been "burned" in the online ads that bring no conversion can be calculated at over $ 65bn. 

The right solution to maximize ROI in B2B marketing campaigns is to integrate effective business intelligence tools that supports web analytics activities (such as Google Analytics, which is known to all), and mapping, training and processes profilation own website business visitors (like Domodomain , B2B lead generation software-as-a-service). 

Domodomain automatically recognize - for each business visitors - its name, turning anonymous users to actionable contacts to boost online business and to support sales network. In fact, delivers a full report of all the companies on the website, including their name and description of their business profile, business contacts, and their navigation process to enrich and properly classify the list of sales prospects.

So domodomain transforms the concept of analytics, from a statistical analysis tool in a window on a visitor's needs. Domodomain is easy to use service provides actionable web visitor intelligence and enhance any CRM platform, marketing or sales activity. 
This b2b marketing & analysis tool is a scalable software-as-a-service, so you can activate it and begin to generate qualified and targeted leads spend less than € 1/day, a 15-day free trial is also available at http:/ /

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