Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We are told that these are things that are supposed to be good for us. We hear that milk is good for us and that can help us lose weight - something that cuts the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide us with fiber, fluids, vitamins and minerals. Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids which are good for heart health and may help our bodies to better incorporate vitamins and minerals. Vitamin supplementation is designed so that we are able to get the vitamins and minerals in our system - to make up for them that we do not get into the food we eat. 

Do not believe it? Let's start with milk - and products like yogurt and cheese made with milk. Many of us have feelings for lactose, the sugar found in milk. Lactose is not the only problem with milk, however. Since many farmers give their animals growth hormones, the milk we drink also contains these substances. Similarly, fruit and vegetables come from farms often use pesticides, substances that are designed to keep animals and insects away from crops that are not always washed away with water when we wash our food. 

Believe that fish is safe? Yes, lean protein is good for us, but it has been found that many fish - including tuna - a high content of mercury. Mercury is a toxin that can affect the way we think and feel, creating anxiety and depression. Mercury also can cause headaches, dental problems, irregular heartbeat, weakness, fatigue and even excessive sweating. Vitamin supplementation may not always be much better: the vitamins and minerals they contain are not always included in the balance right, and, depending on your diet, you may find that you are taking more of a specific vitamin or mineral than is healthy of your body that cause vitamin toxicity. 

This toxicity appears in the way of young lives. It leaves us feeling sluggish. It gives us headaches, stomach ache, and can even release free radicals in the body. Over time, work these free radicals to destroy our cell walls, which creates a risk of developing cancer, heart disease, stroke and other health problems. To combat these free radicals, our bodies need antioxidants like those found in the young people living essential oils. 
Essential oils derived from plants and other sources and contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and E. If taken regularly, you feel better: your immune system will function better and you'll catch fewer colds, in general you will feel less sluggish. 

This is not to say that young people living oils will replace eating a balanced diet. In spite of the toxins found in our foods, it is still necessary to eat balanced meals. It's just saying that young people living essential oils are a great addition to your diet when you make an effort to take better care of yourself.

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