Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Subash Chandra Bose

In this stunning rural West Bengal State of India has always contributed to its maximum share of the countries welfare by providing many spiritual and great personalities who have been the valuable property in the country. In this great people of remarkable and praisable person was Subash Chandra Bose. When India was held in a very bad way as the English people, who have treated the Indians very cheaply, but this people Subash Chandra Bose was an Iron Man. 
            Subash Chandra Bose was born on 23.01.1897 to janakinath Bose and prabavathi.he was the ninth boy to them. In earlier days our forefathers used one to say that the ninth boy will rule the world, whose name by Subash Chandran, there have been strong and very bold freedom together familiar to the whole world as Subash Chandra Bose. 
            Subash Chandra Bose has never been like a normal human being, he has always been a special person out of altruism, he never turned his attraction towards worldly liking like money, fame, etc., his only ultimate ail and wanted Indian freedom that He has fought hard with the English people, who directs him to go to jail many times when he had a miserable part of his life when Subash was in prison Calcutta mayor elections announced by the British people. Since the period Subash was hurtled into jail, general public was very hyper and angry with the British Government. So they decided to make a nomination for mayor election on behalf of Subash. In elections Subash won it in a unique way. But he was not released by the British government, which he was released only after the penalty period of the 1930th 
            Subash Chandra Bose was headed ashore meeting of 22.01.1938 and by the clear and knowledge's speech, he was attracted by the word heart of all public, leading to enormous freedom to feel in public. He resigned the post of the Congress leadership 09.05.1939 and started a new party, the Indian forward block was started on 16.05.1939 and to open its branch in Tamilnadu he came up to Madurai. Later he formed the Indian national force as part of the Indian military, which was managed by him very well in this force nearly 7.30 lakhs soldier worked. The proportion of new accessions force increased to 30 lakhs. 
            The sole aim and pulled Subash was Indian freedom. 18.03.1944 The Indian national force began its attack booting from Manipur through nag soil. British force was unable to cope with Indian national force, and they began to give up, and the results of Manipur was captured by our force. 
            Later Subash wanted to do a talk in Singapore and from there he wanted to go to Japan and meets all the generals. 16.08.1945 In Singapore, he went from Bangkok and from there he went to Sycon on 17.08.1945 from Sycon he started to Japan, but on the way to Japan in the air near parmosa island in the plane where Subash got met with a fire, accident and Subash was dead by noon inexpertly 2.30 .. this news reached the people of different ways, leading them to a big push, and people stop all their ordinary business and began to met to share their sad feeling for Subash. 
            Dream of Subash came true on 15.08.1947 after 350 years under British rule government. India became an independent country. 
            The powerful words that created great sensation and raised up patriotic feeling in the heart of the Indian was ... ... ... .. JAIHIND 
            To honor this great man Indian government has issued a stamp of 15 paisa and 55 paisa in the years 1964 and later in the year 1968 has issued a stamp of rs1.

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