Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Top 10 reasons to create a blog for your business

We are moving to create a blog for my company because we believe that there was no marketing value, and the one I seen primarily news blogs, or blogs. Well, it was some time ago now for many companies to create, blog to get more visitors and more sales.

What is a blog?

This is a small or large online journal that allows the author to write frequently on topics of personal interest or the interests of its visitors. The writing style is usually informal. Visitors can add their comments immediately until the end of the authors writings or posts. Posts are in chronological order, ie day, month and year. Topics may also comment via the Internet, just philosophical discussions or social issues as well as links to other sites the author favors.

The author of a blog is often referred to as a blogger. Blogs are alternatively called web logs or blogs. However, "blog" is less likely to cause confusion, because "web log" can also mean a server log files.

Top 10 reasons to build a blog for your business 

1. Ability to deliver content in a few minutes. You do not have time to use the upload (FTP) files to the computer as static pages. You can create your content from any computer with Internet access. If you have a brilliant idea you want to write about you just have to login to your admin area and enter your message.

2. Separate design from content. Blog software-based database. This means you can use the topic or the presentation of your blog without affecting the content. Therefore you can immediately test different colors and patterns to determine what best appeals to your visitors. 

3. Search Engine friendly. Blogging software WordPress, you can generate search engine friendly pages. Instead of your pages with the extension for a long time. htm that search engines like sites that are updated frequently. Sites that there is new content quickly outdated. One of the main elements of a blog is that it is updated frequently, so that search engines visit them often.

4. Create RSS feeds. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is available in the blog software. So every time you do something in your blog has an RSS feed automatically. It is also about some of the larger sites, these feeds and make them for syndication. This is a fantastic viral marketing method to quickly many visitors.

5. Build link popularity. To increase your pages' rankings in Google and other search engines, you need a lot of incoming links to your site. The more links you have, the better. If you create a blog, the valuable content you have links to many of you. RSS feeds are always a very popular and an easy way to quickly read content. Since your blog has this feature already included in your link popularity will be faster than if you have a website with RSS feeds.

6. Encourages interactivity. Visitors can now have their own comments on your posts. This helps to build a long term cooperation with them and gain their trust. There will also be your blog more sticky, because you will get many return visitors eager to read other comments or write more of their own.

7. Earn money. Blogs are a great way for AdSense ads on your pages. Wordpress blog software has a pluging that you can easily AdSense ads somewhere on your pages, and all current pages on your blog. With a static site that you want to place AdSense code on each page. You can also use funds from partner sites promoting or selling your own product.

8. Customizable. WordPress blogging software has more than 500 plug-ins and hundreds of different topics to choose from. This gives you flexibility to make your blog the best it can be for your business.

9. Simple administration. Here are some of the features in WordPress Administration Panel: add content immediately variation of the theme (look and feel ") in your blog without content.Create different permits to people who add content to your blog or administrators, moderators, contributors .

10. Help Market Newsletter. Many e-mails are not on your participation in these days because of spam blockers on your visitors web host computer or server. A blog with RSS feeds, visitors to your newsletter automatically feed into your blog. You can also convert your visitors e-mail containing a link back to your blog. This will also help create links to your blog, how to visit.


Before you create a blog, be sure that you have a few thoughts in this regard, and what topics you want to write about. Make a list to write frequently (eg daily, weekly or monthly), so they do not become rancid and lose interest visitors. If you submit has been to create a blog, you can now start from the money on the table.

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