Tuesday, February 02, 2010

5 great tips for your Ex Boyfriend Back

 Right now, you want to save and rekindle your relationship, that is why you read this. You may be feeling very eager to get back to your ex. Being too available and that continuing will of course push him away. It is human nature to resist such advances. Understand it and use it to your advantage. Not to be too accessible. If you're always around, there is no challenge. It is human nature to enjoy a challenge. If you are no challenge, you're not funny. So enjoy the process. Give him some space. Are you calling him all the time, e-mail him daily, or text messages to him many times a day. If so, stop it right now. Concentrate on your own life. If you're doing new things and get your life together, he will see what he is missing. Try new things and get out and enjoy yourself. Be a mystery. If you do not call him anymore and get out and do new things, you become a mystery. Secrets are irresistible. Play hard to get. When he sees how much you are going and the new experiences you have, he would be interested in you again. You may feel that make it easy for him and get back together with him. Instead, get him to show himself to you. So, now that you did not call all the time, write e-mails or text him. You are not trying to get him to feel your pain. It would be a wrong approach. You need to understand how he feels. Press somebody to love you discourage you both. You now have some great tips on what to do and how to act. Take a step back. Although not to prosecute him, that you can concentrate on improving your life, instead of related issues. It would be difficult and will take some discipline. In the meantime, this will cause a change in him and let him breathe. This will let him see what he is missing. He will know what you do and feel. This will give him a chance to begin to miss you. Remember to use human nature and not resist it. Now that you have 5 great tips to get your ex girlfriend back, go out and have fun. From that practice and allow your ex to remember why he fell in love with you to start with. So keep your feet on the ground, give him some space and be a bit of a mystery. He will remember why he loved you at first. Let him make the first step and even play hard to get, but not totally disinterested, and you must win. Sometimes it's hard to know what to do after a breakup.

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