Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Dating someone who is older

When you reach a certain age suddenly age is not as important as it once was. While there is a time in your life where two to three years makes a big difference as you grow older in these years does not seem to matter much. Because of this, it is not uncommon to find yourself attracted to someone who is older than you, in some cases much older. The good news is that many people date people much older than them, and it works really well. In some cases it does not work out, but it's hard to say that it is because of the age. 
If you are interested in an older, do not be shy or assume that the relationship could not work because of age difference. You should ask the person if they want to go out to eat or something. You may find that you have a lot in common despite the age difference. You may experience if you are a person older than you, that age is really a state of mind. You may find that they behave much like you.

Some things you should be aware of when a person is older, that there may be various levels of experience. You have to decide early on if you can, after a person has had a lot more life in their belt than you. Many people look forward experience and really learn the person they are dating, while other people feel as if they are belittled. You have to understand that when you date someone older that you can not just ask not to hear about these years because it is a part of their lives.

You may find that while you have some of the same interests, your energy vary. This is especially true if one of you are over 50 and the second is still in the 30s or thereabouts. As you age, your energy, which generally falls rapidly, and so you can enjoy the same things, but your love interest may be worn out before you. Would you be comfortable with this? It really is not necessary to take away from your enjoyment of your time together, but it is a good idea to plan for this difference in endurance.

A lot of couples who have a lot of difference in age find that their frame of reference is different and it changes their perspective. An age difference of only 10 years will do much in the way you grew up, and the things you experienced. This can be a learning experience, or it can be annoying and lead to a contradiction between the two of you. If you go in knowing this, you may find it easier to handle.

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