Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Dating someone who is younger

Dating someone who is young, is something that used to be a great thing, but these days it is quite common. If you open a magazine, you'll see that there are many elderly men and women, there are people who are 10, 20 and even 30 years younger than them! If you're attracted to someone who is younger than you, you really should not be so surprised, and you should seriously consider giving it a chance because it just may work out.

The good thing about being an adult is that age does not matter nearly as much as it did when you were young, and even when you were in your late teens and early twenties. This means that you can meet people who are much younger than you, and discover that you have a lot in common. It is perfectly acceptable to follow your heart and go out on a date with the young and see if you hit it off.

You should be aware when you leave someone who is young, many people are attracted to older men and women because they lack an authority figure in their lives, such as a mother or father. You must be careful from the outset not to be a parental figure to the person because it can set a bad precedent going forward. Instead, make sure that you make it clear that you are their partner and not their parents through your actions and your own words if necessary.

Be prepared to learn, especially if more than five to 10 years between you in age. When you have more distance between you than you've had a lot of different experiences, precisely because of the changes occurring over time. Be prepared to learn a lot about how the world perceives them, who was born and grew up after yourself. You may just be surprised how much a few years can change everything.

Be yourself. A lot of people who are elderly couple in a relationship feel compelled to push themselves to look younger, act younger, and just have more energy. Do not feel as though you have to be someone you're not, and then it will be old. Instead, be honest about your limitations, your interests, etc. It is better to be forthcoming with this information early so you can both decide whether this is a relationship worth pursuing despite the age difference. If you are honest from the start of the relationship has a far better chance of surviving the age difference and the normal hurdles that every couple of meetings.

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