Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Durga Puja

Durga Puja is one of the most important and popular festivals in Bengal. Most of us are aware of this celebration, but none of us have a clear idea about the story of Durga Pooja. Well, in this article, we will give you some interesting legends Durgapuja festival, which will allow you to explore the origin & history of Durga Puja. Read on to find out Durga Puja history.

The legend about the creation of Goddess Durga:

Goddess Durga represents the unification of all the divine strength to overcome the evil spirits. To fight with the demon Mahishasur, the gods decided to create a really strong force. At that time, what a relief that came out of the mouths of the three Hindu gods, namely Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, giving rise to a beautiful woman who has ten hands. The gods supplied her with their weapons, and thus give her all the powers in the universe.

Legend of Lord Rama:

According to the epic Ramayana, Lord Ram performed the chandi Puja, to seek divine blessings of Goddess Durga. He did it to kill Ravana, the devil king of Lanka who had kidnapped his wife Sita. Goddess Durga secretly told him that he could kill Ravana. In the war between Rama and Ravana, Lord Rama succeeded in defeating the devil and returned to his kingdom with his wife Sita and younger brother Lakshman.

Legend of Pandava:

According to the great Indian epic Mahabharata, wandered Pandava forests over a long period of 12 years. They held their weapons on a Shami tree before leaving the court of king Virat, where they spent their last years in disguise. Completion of one year, which took place on days Vijayadashmi, ie Dussehra, which came down the weapons they had held on Shami tree. On this day, they came out and showed their true identity. Since then this day is celebrated as Dusshera or Vijaydashmi and include the exchange of Shami leaves as a symbol of victory and goodness.

Various forms of Goddess Durga:

The Hindu Goddess Durga, who is portrayed as, ten weapons, believed to have nine different forms. On one side, where we get to see her in the form of a kindly woman who symbolizes the female dynamics, then on the other hand, she has been an awful look of a destroyer, which will probably scare demons. Read further to know the various names of goddess Durga.

Durga Puja Celebrations:

Durga Puja is a festival that dates back to antiquity. Many references were made on Durga Puja celebrations in the Indian literature from the 12th century onwards. Traditions remain unchanged, but the style of celebration has undergone a major change. In times past it was considered to be a tribute to the rich and powerful people. Read on to learn more about Durga Pooja celebrations in India.

With the coming up of the concept of linking the club's Durga Puja festival celebration is cosmopolitan in nature. In modern times, the Durga Puja festival as the great extravaganza. Many days before the arrival of this festival, people are full of excitement and enthusiasm. As part of the Durga Pooja celebrations are beautiful pandals built and decorated with flowers. Conch shells and drums have an important role in determining the mood for a festive celebration.

At every nook and corner, you can find a pandal. Due to the migration of Bengalis to other parts of the country, Durga Puja is celebrated in other parts of the country also. For artisans and craftsmen, is Durga Puja time to earn a good business. The first four days of Durga Puja is very hectic and experienced lots of activities, such as different types of contests organized in energy to the people. The artists have a platform to display their talent to the people and create a name for them.

The main celebration takes place from the sixth day, better known as maha shashthi. On this day, shows the priest god while performing Puja. Women usually fast on this day prayed for the welfare of their families. They break their fast at night with luchis fruit and (different kinds of bread made of flour). A visit to the local pandal is a must.

On the seventh day, saptami Maha ie people wake up early and on an empty stomach, they offer prayers to the deity. When prayers are over, Prasad offered to the deity. At lunchtime special meal is served to all those gathered in pandals. If you visit the pandals during the evening, is of the opinion that very gratifying that people with flushed faces are dressed in colorful clothes. The dazzling clothes and jewelry, spectacular lighting, beat on drums, hummingbirds and chitchatting people will set the mood to celebrate. 
The eighth day is known as Maha ashtami, is one of the most important day of Durga Puja festival. While chanting it Shlokas, the priest performs a special Puja known as sandhi Puja. On this day, represents the deity seen in a bowl with water. This gives a sense of movement of the deity. The Puja is popularly known as pranpratishtha (mean breathe life into the idol). In the evening, making merry is at its peak.

Pandal hopping is the favorite pastime activity on the occasion of Durga Pooja. The ninth day is known as Maha Navmi, meat is served in most of the pandals as part of Bhog. Since it is the penultimate day of the Durga Puja festival celebration, people begin to realize that the party is about to come over. This is how the Durga Puja festival takes place in India.

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