Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Effective communication in marriage

Communication is a process of sending a message through the media to the recipient. It basically means to disclose or share or exchange views, information, ideas, knowledge, feelings and emotions.

Lack of communication is the cause of most marital problems. There could be a small or a larger data distortion. Lack of communication is the mother of frustrations in a marriage.

Types of communication

There are two major types of communication:

a. Verbal: This could be in the form of discussion, argument, whisper, murmur, censure, protest, command, encourage, praise, appeal, gossip, instruct, correct, appreciate, etc. 
b. Non-verbal: There may be signs or signals. This could be in the form of nose twitching, wheezing, slamming doors, bunching of the legs, pat, touch, eyelid, etc. 
Forms of communication

1. Zero Communications: This is when there is no communication at all between the couple. When the couple is nothing more to talk term. This shows a sign of a family who is about to fall. Lack of communication at home is a threat to a peaceful existence of the family.

2. Plastic Communications: This is when communication is not rooted, not sincere, not directly. This shows a sign of a poisoned relationship. Guard your marriage to such a notice, which has its roots in total honesty and faithfulness.

3. Negative Communication: This includes hazardous communication. This implies negative communication like cursing, muttering, abusing or insulting, protest, etc.

4. Bulk Communication: This is to handle a lot of questions at the same time, thereby confusing the receiver. Thereby affecting the degree of understanding between couples.

5. Half the Communications: This allows incomplete statements may refer to the half-truths.

6. Object Communication: Directing a comment to aim instead to address the topic. For example, the man looks at a poorly prepared soup and says "You this peppery soup, how I wish I had someone with common sense who can prepare yourself better, I would have had you." By saying this, he passed a message to his wife that the soup is bad. Even in the wrong way.

7. About Communication: This is the situation when a person dealing with this issue instead of the subject of discussion. The husband of a woman who cooked a bad food can say, "Woman, you have been careless in everything, everything you do in this house is bad" instead of telling his wife how bad food was prepared, can be pricey or salt, he is busy castigating woman. It could not be true that the woman has never done anything right in that house.

8. Sandwich Communication: This is the level of communication that combines both negative and positive to produce a positive result. It's like praise, correction and condemnation. For example, thanks "Darling, thank you for this wonderful food. You can just try to cut peppers tomorrow, yet it is a wonderful meal. I always say that you're the best cook." This kind of woman would take to correct her husband without remorse because of the praise.

9. Communications Extra Mile: This is when one partner goes beyond praise for his singing partner call him pretty names and telling him how handsome he is. These forms of communication is missing in our homes today, which is why we encounter various problems in marriages today. Make your own marriage, check the level of communication in your home and switch to good. Allow God to use her mouth for the benefit of your home.

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