Monday, February 01, 2010


This content is described throughout the gardening and planting, care, temperature, watering, humidity and grooming and care

A famous Chinese proverb says that "All gardeners know better than other gardeners. 

Here are some tips on gardening and plant care:

Lawn Care:

• While you go to a lawn, choose from cool-season grasses (bluegrass, ryegrass) and warm season grass (grass, zoysia grass, St. Augustine grass, etc.).

• You select the type of use of the herb. For example, ryegrass need frequent watering, while Zoysia grass survives the harsh climate.


• Plants are naturally attracted to the sunlight from the leaves and stems bend. Plants turning a quarter turn every few days.


• Plants grown at temperatures lower than recommended to suffer. Look for leaves on the outside - it would be the first to suffer.

• A combination of high temperature, low humidity and dry fertilizer makes plants wither quickly and leaves to wilt.

• leaf drop is rapid temperature changes, especially if compost is too dry or too moist.


• Water is essential for plant growth. Plants absorb water through their roots and released into the atmosphere through their leaves.

• Use one side of a clay pot is one way to assess whether the compost is dry inside. A call note shows that the water needs of the deaf and a note indicates that no water is required.

• wilting of the plant shows too much and too little water. The plants seldom recover when water is not supplied. Healthy leaves and stalk shows that sufficient water.

• To save a total of irrigated plants, remove the ball from the floor of marijuana, interior plant maintenance, use an absorbent towel to absorb excess water, leaving the ball on the ground to dry slightly and the boat to the compost plant fresh and clean cup.

• sheets easily sprayed with clean water contributes to the restoration of aquatic plants. No steam plants with hairy leaves and smooth, it leaves ugly marks.

• edges of the leaves dry and crispy, brown edges on the leaves yellow and wither, the fall of old leaves, flowers, which fade quickly, and then show that the compost is too dry.

• Large plants require more water than small ones.

• Large plants in small pots need frequent watering.

• Water is needed is influenced by the type of compound.

• Avoid splashing water on the flowers and soft hairy leaves.

• Avoid watering the plants at night, especially in winter. Watering is best early in the day.

• Plants in clay pots require more water than plastic pots.


• The amount of moisture in the air affects the health and growth of plants. Kitchens and bathrooms are wet, while other rooms are usually dry.

• Leaves of many plants benefit from a little spray with clean water (to prevent moisture from reaching the flowers).

• aerial roots of plants such as Philodendron is mild, regular spraying with water. Do not spray when temperatures are low.

• Do not spray when the leaves are in sunlight. Droplets act as lenses and burn the leaves. 

• The paper-thin sheets indicates a dry air and moisture requirements, while molds show too much moisture

Grooming and Care:

• Flowers should be removed as soon as they begin to disappear. Remove flower stalks with flowers. Another thing that promotes disease.

• Dust and dirt are enemies of the leaves. The large leaves can be cleaned wih soft, damp cloth.

• To cut shoots with sharp scissors cut them just above the leaf joint. Advice for young foliage plants are out to facilitate the development of side shoots

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